~Chapter Fifteen~

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~ Wednesday ~

Wednesday after class I was walking back to the dorm With Starbucks while calling in to my therapist's office. I made up some excuse, that I was sick, and wasn't going to make it into my appointment today. It was easy, no questions asked, which was nice.

When I got back to the dorm, Daichi, Bokuto, and Asahi were outside waiting, all in practice gear.

"Y'all could've waited in the car, it's unlocked." I laughed, walking right over into my driver's seat. Daichi stole shotgun, also snatching his coffee. Bokuto and Asahi hopped into the back.


"Brought a few extras again, huh?" Ukai turned to us as the four of us walked in.

"Yep." I smiled. Daichi and Asahi had gone to start setting nets up.

"you guys busy this weekend?" Ukai asked.

"Not that I'm aware, why?" I replied.

"We have a 3 day camp. You guys could meet us at Nekoma and stay the weekend if you wanted." He offered, "I'm sure the Nekoma and Fukurodani teams would like it too."

"I'm in." I said.

"Same, we'll talk to Kuroo when we get home." Daichi smiled.

"Perfect. Get practicing, the guys should be walking in any second." Coach instructed. We did as told, hopping onto the court and starting drills.

When the team walked in, they hopped right into the drills we were doing.

"So, are you guys regulars now or?" Tsukishima asked me as he stepped up to spike.

"Slightly. Why? You miss us?" I teased.


"Oh, don't lie Tsukishima, you miss us." Daichi yelled over.

"Tsk." Tsukki gave with an eye roll. He hasn't changed much.

Behind Tsukishima was Ace.

"Alright, give me all you got, Kid." I smiled. Ace gave a cocky smirk, one he probably learned from Kageyama and Oikawa.

After drills, we split up into teams. We were one person short for three teams, so the third team was just gonna steal a person from the team that was on the sidelines.

My team was playing first against Ace's team. I had Bokuto, Narita, Tanaka, Kai, and Yamaguchi on my team. Ace's had him, Noya, Asahi, Soku, Yuki, and Kinoshita.

I was the only setter on this team, so that made me acting setter. We also had a libero, which was nice. Hopefully he's pretty good. I'm sure he is, seeing as he has Nishinoya as a role model.

"Kai, have they gone over synchronized attacks with you yet?" I asked him.

"Mmhm. Noya has been teaching me how to set them up. Not perfect yet, but I can pull it off." He replied.

"Perfect. Wait for my signal, we're gonna try a few today." I said with a smile. Kai responded with a quick nod as he got into place for the match.

I wasn't running a synchronized attack right off the bat. I wanted to give my guys a chance to warm up, especially with a few people with them that they're not used to being here and people they haven't built chemistry with.

As the game went on though, everything pretty much just fell into place. I looked back at Kai with a small smile, letting him know we were doing it on the next play.

Ace was serving for the other team, and I know him. He likes to aim for the setter of his opposing team, which isn't a bad play. It just sets us up perfectly for the play that we wanna do. He'll be finding that out here shortly, though.

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