~Chapter Three~

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When I woke up the next morning, I was hungover as all hell. It was as bad, if not worse, than the first time I'd gotten crossfaded. The ride was fun but good lord, it feels like I got hit by a truck.

"Asahi?" I whispered, hoping he was already awake.

"Yep, I'm up." He replied.

"Could you possibly grab me meds and water?" I asked. I got no reply, but heard him shuffle around the room. Within a few minutes I was handed a bottle of water and a few small pills. I took them quickly and set the water down on my nightstand.

"So, how bad was last night?" I asked as Asahi went to sit down at my desk.

"Bad. All of you were gone. Iwaizumi and I practically dragged you guys back." He laughed a bit.

"Sorry...I really wasn't planning on going that hard."

"You're fine. We should talk though. Are you okay? I really haven't known you to do dumb shit like that unless somethings wrong."

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just...being away from Daichi set off some things. I was trying to distract myself. I didn't wanna stay here and drown in my own thoughts. I know I would've been overthinking like crazy."

"We need to find you some healthier coping mechanisms." Asahi said.

"I know, I know. Can we just...drop if for now? We gotta get dressed anyway, we're helping Daichi move onto campus, right?"

"Oh, shit yeah. He texted me this morning already. He said meet us at his school at around noon. So, yeah, we better get moving." Asahi said.

I decided to get into the shower quickly this morning, wanting to wash off the scent of alcohol and weed off of me before I go to see my fiancé. Boy, he'd kill me if he knew how fucked up I was the previous night.

Once I was showered, I threw on a pair of jeans, a random t-shirt, and my black vans. I also, of course, had my engagement ring on.

Looking down at the ring makes butterflies fly around in me. There's millions of people in the world he could be with, and he chose me.

"Who's car?" I asked Asahi as soon as we were ready.

"Take mine. I'll drive. You're probably still feeling like hell after last night." Asahi suggested. I nodded, grabbing my keys from my desk anyway, just so I'd have them. Asahi grabbed his as well and then we headed out to Asahi's car.

On the ride, I pulled my phone out and texted Kuroo.


Suga; Hey, wanted to check in after last night.

Kuroo; hungover as fuck, I can only imagine how you feel.

Suga; I'll be fine. Took meds, already up and moving. We're going to help Daichi move onto campus.

Kuroo; Nice, tell him Bo and I said hi.

Suga; Will do.


We were at Daichi's school within a few minutes. His car was already sitting outside his dorm building waiting for us. He was sitting on the hood of his car, playing on his phone and twisting his engagement ring, that matches mine, around his finger.

"Daichi!" I yelled as I got out of the car.

"Koshi! God I missed you." He said, hopping down from the hood of his car and pulling me into his arms.

"I missed you too." I smiled as I buried my head into his shoulder.

"How was your first night on campus?" He asked.

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