~Chapter Six~

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~ Saturday ~

On Saturday morning I got up and dressed way earlier than I really needed to. Daichi wasn't picking me up until four, but I was excited. I hadn't seen him for a few days, so I desperately needed his hugs.

Seeing as I was ready by eleven, and had five hours to kill, I headed out to the campus Starbucks to grab a coffee and work on some of my school work. I had an essay for English due at my next class on Monday, and I hadn't even started it yet.

I ordered my mega surprise caffeinated drink and then went to sit in the corner and pulled my school laptop from my backpack.

The essay we were given could be any topic off a list we were given. It was more or less just to see where we're at with our skills.

I chose the following topic; Write an essay about an individual who's had a major impact on your life. I was writing about Daichi. He's had the biggest impact on my life since I've met him. He's been my best friend for years, stuck beside me when things got rough, helped me pull myself up from rock bottom countless times, helped me stay safe in regards to my mental health. He's my person, and he always will be.

After about twenty minutes of typing away, I heard someone sit down across from me.

"Whatcha working on?" Bokuto asked.

"English essay." I sighed.

"Ooh, what topic did you pick? I'm still stuck on mine." He rolled his eyes.

"Writing about someone who's had a major impact on my life. I'm writing about Daichi."

"You guys are adorable." He smiled.

"I hate being away from him."

"You'll get used to it. Being away from Keiji is rough too."

"How's he doing?" I asked.

"He's...okay. It's been rough on us both, but we text throughout the day and have been calling every night. Kuroo and Kenma have been doing the same. We have plans to hang out tomorrow though, he's coming here to visit, so I'm excited." Bokuto smiled.

"I'm glad. Tell him I said hi."

"I will." He nodded. From there we were pretty quiet. Bo sat there on his phone texting or something while I wrote my paper. It was nice to have the company, not gonna lie.


Eventually, I finished my paper, after stumbling around on my words for God knows how long, and it was time to head back to the dorm and Wait for Daichi, he'd be there within half an hour. Bokuto and I walked back together, apparently he and Kuroo had plans to hang out with Kaoru, so at least he wasn't gonna sit in the dorm bored out of his mind.

When we got back to the dorm building, I sat outside, hitting my pen as I waited.

I didn't realize when he'd pulled up, I zoned out. He had to honk his horn at me. As soon as I heard it, I smiled and ran over to hop into his car. The outfit he was in was hot on him, not gonna lie. Ripped black jeans, black long-sleeved shirt, and a Five Nights at Freddy's t-shirt on top of that. It wasn't anything special. But he still looked good.

"You good?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine." I smiled.

"Alright. Connect your phone, it's been a while since I've listened to any of your music." He said. I nodded and pulled my phone out, hitting buttons to connect it to his Bluetooth. I hit shuffle on my playlist, FVKD by NateWantsToBattle and Kellin Quinn being the first song to play.

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