~Chapter Nine~

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~ Friday ~

Today after classes ended, the plan was to go with Daichi back to my mom's house for the weekend. She was making our wedding invitations for us, so we were going over to, one, get that all finished and two, get some time away from the dorms and into somewhere the two of us are more comfortable with in general. I got out of classes first, so as soon as I was out, I packed a weekend bag and then headed out to his school.

I waited a bit, but soon he was back from class. We went up to his dorm and hung out for a bit as he packed his bag for the weekend.

"Mom's excited to see us, ya know." I smiled.

"Oh, I know. She's been texting non stop since we planned to do this the other day." He laughed.

"I'm excited to see her. It's been a bit."

"It's only been a few weeks, Koshi."

"Okay, so I've been a little homesick." I shrugged.

"I know. This weekend will be good for us, I'm sure of it." Daichi smiled. Soon, he was done packing and we headed out to my car. It just made sense for us to only take one car, we were gonna be together the entire time.

He had me play my music again, getting bored of his playlist.

The ride was short, but fun. We screamed out song lyrics the whole way together.

When we got to Mom's we walked right in, as always.

"Boys! It's so good to have you guys home." She came and pulled us both onto a big hug. I missed her hugs so fucking much. I didn't Realize exactly how homesick I was until I fell into my moms arms.

"It's nice to be home. I missed you." I said.

"I missed you too. How's college going for you guys? How's the friends? How's...everything?" She asked. Being an adult, and not being able to be grounded, I admitted to the crossfading bit, along with the other dew episodes. Daichi talked about his too. We talked about our friends, classes, everything. We basically just gave a whole run down of the last few weeks within an hour or so. After that, we started on designing our invitations.

"So, what colors are we thinking?" She asked. Daichi and I turned to each other, already knowing exactly what we were wanting.

"Black and orange." We said at the same time.

"Like...your high school colors?" She almost laughed.

"Yeah, why not? That place shaped us into who we are today. It's where we found each other, it's where we found our friends, it's where we overcame so many of our challenges. It's a huge part of who we are, and we want that represented." I explained.

"Sounds like you boys have thought it through, let's do it." She smiled, writing down on a notepad she had in front of her. We hashed out some other details about the design. It was going to be an all black invitation, white and gold lettering, with an orange rose wreath type thing around all of the details.

Once things were planned out, she pulled out her laptop and went straight to designing it. We were gonna write all the names and stuff with a metallic gold marker once they were printed, so that wasn't an issue we had to work with.

While Mom was working on that, Daichi and I decided to get started with dinner. We looked through the fridge and pantry and decided to make some baked chicken, green beans, and parsley potatoes.

It was honestly much more fun than I was expecting it to be. We were laughing and just...all around having an amazing time together.

God, I can't wait till I take his last name.

"Boys, come look at this!" Mom yelled from the dining room. We put the chicken into the oven, which was all we had left to do anyway, and then headed to see what mom wanted to show us.

"So, what do ya think?" She turned her computer screen to us. The invitations were perfect.

"They're perfect, Mom." I smiled, staring at the screen in awe.

"Good. Let me go print out a test and then let you see it, and we'll go from there." She said. She headed to her office and came out a few minutes later with a test page, which was 2 invitations. She cut them apart and handed one to me and one to Daichi.

They were still perfect.

"Print them, I love it." I said with a huge smile.

"Do it! These are perfect, Mrs.Sugawara." Daichi was smiling too.

"I'll go print them then, and maybe by tomorrow we can start on the guest list and get them sent out." She smiled, heading back into her office to print the rest of the invitations. Daichi and I headed into the living room to snuggle up on the couch and wait for dinner to be done.

"I really needed this." I sighed as I wrapped my arms around him, getting more comfortable.

"We both did." Daichi smiled, wrapping his arms around me. I could've stayed like that forever.

Eventually though, the oven timer went off and it was time to eat. We called mom in from her office and set the table before sitting down to eat.

Dinner was mostly quiet. We'd done all of our catching up earlier, so we didn't have much else to say.

After dinner, Daichi and I headed on up to my old room where we'd be sleeping this weekend. Just like old times.

The moment that door closed, I was pinned up against it, arms above my head.

"H-Hey..." I stuttered. Me? Nervous? Pfft, never. (Okay...maybe a tad bit.)

"It's been way too fucking long, Koshi." Daichi whispered. His eyes were already filled with lust and want.

"Kiss me." I said. I wanted him just as much. He immediately leaned in, kissing me roughly and passionately. God, did I love this side of him.


After having our fun, we hopped into a bath together, just relaxing and talking about more wedding plans. We'd decided that both of us were going to be in white, our best men were going to be in orange, and the rest of our guys were going to be in black.

After our bath, we headed back to our room to chill before heading to sleep.

Of course though, it wasn't without a call from one of the guys.

"Hey, Noya, what's up?" I answered my phone.

"Okay, Karasuno has a Saturday practice to prep for some practice matches. Kenma and Akaashi are in town. I already talked to everyone else, including Oikawa and Iwaizumi, they'll be there. You and Daichi in?" Right to the point, I see.

"Daichi?" I turned to my boyfriend who was laying beside me.

"I'm in. Not gonna lie, I miss being on the court." He said.

"We're in, Noya. What time?"

"Be there by noon. See ya then!" He said excitedly before hanging up. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

"Guess we better get some sleep. If I know Hinata at all, that practice is gonna last for eight hours. Those first years are in for it." Daichi laughed.

"Yeah, you're right." I laughed too. I miss all the practices, the games, the memories. Ugh, what I wouldn't give to be back on that court.

~Word Count~

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