~Chapter One~

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~ After graduation, college move in day ~

"I guess this is where we say goodbye?" I looked at Daichi with a small frown after he finished helping Asahi and I unload boxes from our cars and into our shared dorm room.

"Yeah, I gotta get home and finish packing, I move onto campus tomorrow."

"I'm gonna miss you." I said with a small, sad smile.

"I'm only a few miles away, I can be here if you need me to be, and you can call and text. It won't be so bad. Plus, Asahi is here with you. He's got you." Daichi tried to reassure me.

I was still incredibly nervous. It's not attachment issues or separation anxiety, it's just that since all of my issues came to light, I really haven't left Daichi's side for longer than a few days. He's always been right beside me whenever I absolutely needed him, day or night. It's going to be more difficult for that to happen now. Yeah, we'll be meeting up a lot to hang out and plan the wedding, but it still scares me. I still have nights where I break down, though they're few and far between. I'm scared.

"You're right. Get home and pack. Text me when you get home, okay?" I replied. I didn't want to worry him with the thoughts that were running through my head, so I just agreed.

"I will. I love you." He said, giving me a quick kiss.

"I love you too." I smiled. Soon after, he left. Asahi and I were left in our dorm to unpack and decorate as we pleased.

"So, what's your real thoughts on being away from Daichi?" Asahi asked, pulling clothes from one of his boxes. He read me like an open book.

"I'm scared."


"It's just been a while since we've had to actually be apart, and you know how I overthink things. I'm mainly worried that my mental health is gonna plummet again and I'll end up where I was about a year ago. Cutting, or starving and purging."

"You know we won't let that happen. We'll do everything in our power to keep that from happening." Asahi said.

"I know, it's just me overthinking." I said with a deep breath.

"Don't be afraid to come to me."

"I'm not, and I'm really not expecting to have any real issues as long as I keep up with therapy and my meds. It's just...I don't know how to explain it." I shook my head with a small laugh. I was worried over hypothetical things that, really, might not even happen. After that, the conversation kind of died down and we finished unpacking and decorating. We also blasted our 'Dorm List' Playlist that we had made together over the last few weeks.


Later that day, when things were winding down, we heard a knock on our door. Asahi and I looked at each other confused, because neither of us were expecting guests. We had planned to just relax for the rest of the night. I got up off my bed and opened the door.

"Hey, hey, hey! Guess who moved in next door?" I came face to face with Kuroo and Bokuto. Why did they choose a school in Miyagi? No idea. Especially when their boyfriends are high school third years back in Tokyo.

"The hell are you guys doing here?" Asahi asked, standing up to greet them.

"We didn't get into the other schools we applied to, and Daichi had mentioned both of you had applied here, so we did too. Figured it'd be fun." Bokuto shrugged. I smiled. I was excited to have more friends nearby, it made me feel a lot less worried about everything.

"So, how's unpacking going?" I asked as I sat down on my bed. Asahi was on his bed and Bokuto and Kuroo rolled our desk chairs closer so they could sit and talk with us.

"We got bored already, so we figured we'd come say hi. We got the dorm number from Daichi. We were surprised when it was directly next door." Bokuto replied.

"Of course you got it from him." I rolled my eyes with a smile. Daichi only gave it to them knowing it'd be a good idea for me to have a big part of my support system nearby.

"So, are you guys down for a party tonight?" Kuroo asked.

"Depends? When and where?" I asked. Asahi didn't seem to be too up for it, but I knew if I went he'd probably follow behind me. Protective best friend stuff.

"Some guys I knew from my first year at Nekoma, they go here too and are in a frat house. They said I could invite whoever I want." Kuroo informed us.

"Weed and alcohol?" Asahi asked cautiously.

"Duh." Bokuto rolled his eyes.

"I'm in." I said. It's been a minute since I let loose, mostly because I'm not supposed to drink on the medication I'm on. You only live once though, right?

"Perfect. Get ready, we'll be back in twenty minutes." Bokuto and Kuroo said before scurrying off to their room. Asahi and I just looked at each other for a second before finally getting up and rummaging through our newly filled closets and dressers to find something even remotely appropriate for a party. Neither of us had ever really been party goers, so we didn't know that we'd have much of anything appropriate for one.

I eventually found a pair of black jeans and paired it with a random American Eagle t-shirt that I'd hung up in my closet as well. I also threw on a pair of basic black vans to pull the whole look together.

"What do we think?" I asked Asahi.

"I think it looks fine. Like my outfit?" Asahi asked. He had a pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a yellow and tan plaid button up over top and paired it with a pair of maroon converse.

"Perfect." I said with a small smile.

Soon, Kuroo and Bokuto were knocking on our door again, ready to head to this party that they'd invited us to. They were dressed in similar outfits to ours, jeans and t-shirts. Bokuto also had on a Fukurodani Volleyball hoodie with Akaashi's name and number on the back of it. Someone's obsessed.

"So, you boys ready to go?" Kuroo asked. I grabbed my vape from my desk before walking out the door and following them to god knows where.

~Word Count~

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