~Chapter Ten~

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The next morning, Daichi and I woke up at ten so we could get ready and get to the gym in time for the start of practice. Neither of us were planning on a volleyball practice today, so we hadn't packed for it. Luckily, a majority of my old practice clothes were still in my closet and dresser. I had no need for them at college, so I didn't bother bringing them.

We pulled out my old white Karasuno practice shirts and some black shorts I had stashed away in the bottom drawer of my dresser. I unpacked my old practice bag as well, repacking it with two pairs of my old volleyball shoes, and everything else I used to carry every day for practice.

"Alright, we ready?" I asked.

"Let's go!" He was so excited he was practically bouncing.

Instead of driving to the school, we walked. It was nice to take my old route again.

"God, it feels so weird being back in practice clothes walking to the school." Daichi smiled.

"I know what you mean, it's a good kind of weird though." I replied. He agreed.


We ended up getting there early, as per usual. We headed straight into the gym. Hinata and Kageyama were already there, unsurprisingly, as was the captain; Ennoshita. Ukai and Takeda were there as well, but that's all.

"Holy shit, What are you guys doing here!" Hinata bounced over to us as soon as he noticed us. I smiled as I sat my practice bag down along the wall and started pulling out shoes for Daichi and I.

"Noya told us you guys had practice today, and we had nothing better to do, so here we are." I smiled.

"Daichi, are you running practice today?" Ennoshita asked, also coming over to us. Kageyama wasn't far behind either.

"I can if you want me to." He said.

"Please? It'd be nice to see you and Suga lead the team again." He smiled.

"It would. I'm down." I shrugged.

"Alright. Hinata, Kageyama, keep hitting quicks over. I still wanna practice my receives a bit." Ennoshita said. The three of them got back into the court, doing their thing.

"So, any other surprise guests coming that I don't know about?" Ukai asked.

"Only a few." I laughed.

"Oh God, who?"

"Asahi, Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Akaashi and Kenma are visiting this weekend so they're coming too."

"Jesus, the whole gang, alright." Coach nodded.

"Yeah, Noya invited all of us." Daichi said.

"Of course he did." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, it'll be fun though. I can't wait to see your first years." I smiled.

"Oh, you'll love them. How have you two been?"

"Surviving." I shrugged.

"What's that mean?"

"We haven't been thrown into a psych ward yet. A few close calls, but we're managing. Earlier this week was...rough." I admitted, looking down at my arms. He grabbed my right arm, looking at the still red, but healing, scratches.

"The hell did you use?" He asked.

"That was actually just my nails. A few of us were hanging out, drinking and smoking. I got a little too crossfaded and it didn't go well."

"Jesus, who let you go overboard?"

"Kuroo, Bokuto, and Oikawa."

"Kuroo and Bokuto I believe, but Oikawa? Great King Oikawa?" Ukai absolutely didn't believe us.

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