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"As they say, the Soul is Very Precious to God, so the Truth must be revealed"

(June 2019)

After the kiss moment, Aya and Miro became officially couples, and they kept talking and visit each others in family events and stuff, after that Summer with 4 years (2023) of loving each other, miro decided that it was the time to propose to Aya, so he   invited Asmae for this proposal, but she didn't come as so many invitations she turned down, she never came back since that summer, after she saw them kiss from the window, she knew that any chance with miro officially ended, so any more minutes she would spend she'll just gonna get hurt, after a year of the proposal, they got married and Moved together to Safi City as a wish of Aya because she always loved this city, and it reminds her of her brother, after 1 year of their marriage (2024) they had their 1st baby and named her Safae, after so they lived a happy life for 15 years, but the past never leaves you alone, and it'll come the time to pay back for your sins even after 20 years...


One day Miro received a message, it was from Asmae, telling him she's arrived and wants to come and visits him, he thought about it, and Asked Aya about it, she said it's okay, it's goodtime to clear the atmosphere between the 3 of us and start new page, and told him to invite her over for dinner next weekend, and Safae can go spend the summer holiday in your parents house, and then it'll be just the three of us. He agreed then he told Asmae and gave her the time and the date, so he can pick her from the train station... the day came, the train stopped, she got out, once they saw each other, a flood of memories hit them both, she's just like she left last time, beautiful, alive, it was the 1st time they see each others in 20 years, she saw him immediately recognized him, she waved her hand for him, and ran towards him and hugged him for a whole minute,

-MIRO: I see that you aged like fine wine didn't you.

-ASMAE: yeah, and You aged like a 40 years old dad, haha

-MIRO: you still the same funny bullying person I knew.

-ASMAE: and I don't think that you changed neither.

-MIRO: It's nice having you back, after all these years.

-ASMAE: Yeah, It good to be back, I really missed you and this.

-MIRO: well there's someone waiting for you back in home, let's go.

After they arrived home, they were met by the inviting magical aroma of home-cooked male, because Aya was busy preparing dinner for this special night, as they entered Asmae felt the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the house.

-AYA: (with a big smile on her face) Welcome back Asmae! Long time no see

-ASMAE: (smiles back) thank you Aya! Yeah it's been a while.

-AYA: the time couldn't beat your ass hahaha.

-ASMAE: well, no kids, no husband, just fun and travel peace and quiet, of course It won't get me. But I see that even with everything you still have your magic and managed to keep Miro around for all this time, what's your secret?

-AYA: If I told you I'll need to kill you haha.

-MIRO: well enough talking, I'm starving is the dinner ready?

-AYA: it'll be ready in a moment, have a place.

-MIRO: alright that's good! C'mon Asmae let's get to the dining room.

The dinner is served, they all sat to the table, and started eating in silence, the tension raises, Miro started to talk about memories they had together so the tension can goes down, and for the atmosphere to become, more friendly,

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