a Dream (Chapter 13)

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"As midnight secrets unfold, desires intertwine, casting a dark silhouette over their fates."

After he left the house, Asmae got out from her room, her mom tried to tell her about the pizza and everything but she said she heard everything from behind the door because she wasn't sleeping, her mom asked if she has any idea about the friend MIRO is going to meet, but she declared no, even tho she got pretty much good idea about the friend she's the girl he was talking about, yet she need a proof, however she was too hungry to think about so she dropped it and went straight to eat, main while, MIRO was heading towards the caffe the closer he gets the stressed he comes, all thinking of how she looks in real life how she talk, what her voice is like, because all this time they were just texting, all he has a picture of her from tinder profile, and he has no idea if it's the real her or not, he started to wonder if she's even real, but before he even realized, he found himself in front of the caffe, he start looking for her, he checked his phone he found a message

-HER: I'm next to the caffe where are you?

He started to move his head left and right and everywhere looking for her, suddenly, he saw a short girl about 155 cm, with brown fluffy hair, a purple lipstick, and weird oversized clothes, she was holding a box like the one with cake in it, she's just like the pictures, he took a picture and send it to her,

-MIRO: is that you?

-HER: Yea that's me, you didn't recognize me or what? Where are you?

-MIRO: I had to make sure that's you. I'm coming towards you.

He walked towards her, while trying to hide his stress...

-MIRO: Hello tinder girl, finally we meet.

-HER: Hey Miro, yeah finally, stop calling me tinder girl, as Promised, my name is Aya nice to finally meet you.

-MIRO: it's really you, you're real after all, just like the pictures but little bit shorter hahaha.

-AYA: damn you already bullying me, we just met, and you too just like pictures, just little bit taller.

-MIRO: Sorry, old habit, what's that box in your hands?

-AYA: It's for you, open it?

-MIRO: Huh, for me? Is it a bomb?

-AYA: Very funny, c'mon open it!

-MIRO: It's a cake! a chocolate cake my favorite, wait a second, is that why you asked me about whether I like chocolate or vanilla?

-AYA: That's right, I wanted to make you a gift as it's the first time we meet, and I wanted to welcome you my way.

-MIRO: Well thank you that's really kind of you, but I didn't bring anything for you sorry.

-AYA: It's okay, I don't care about these things, all that matters that you came, well take a bite and tell me how is it.

-MIRO: It's not poisoned is it?

-AYA: If you say anything like that one more time I'm leaving, if you don't trust me why did you come!

-MIRO: Wow, Chill out girl, I'm just kidding, sorry I won't say anything else, I try it out.

He takes a bite and she's looking at him, excited and waiting for his opinion.

-MIRO: Damn! That's a good chocolate cake, one of the best I've ever had, seriously this is some good shit.

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