Prologue (Chapter 01)

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Place: somewhere near the gates of hell.
Time: sometime in the past.

Crushed soul woke up not knowing what bloody day today is... Just another day in June.
Waking up from some shitty nightmare as usual, sweaty, scared, and suffering from bloody headache...
Trying to get off the bed as if there's a reason to do so but doing it anyway...
He Puts some clothes on, leave his room, sorry I meant his cave, the best description to a four walls and roof, the only light gets in is the one sneaking from under the door, and the lightbulb that bearly lights up the space... This how he likes it anyway, this is where he feels safe, once the door is closed nothing bad can happen...
He opend the door, left his cave, his His secured fortress, his comfy space... Facing the sunlight that only wants to burn the whole thing announcing a beginning of a new era, new reboot that ends all the shittiness of the world, aaah that would've been. Splendid... After the 3 seconds of a pleasing fantasy pause, the whole seen got cut off by a very known yelling to him, the first boogyman he ever knew, "What time is it young man!?" His father said.
Dammit, Here we go again...Good morning to you too dad...
"Morning!? What morning you're talking about it's almost 01:00 pm, the day is almost over and you just woke up and.... "The same tape every fucking day, He no longer has the energy to even reply, Just said Hi and went to the bathroom, one of a few places that left for him when he can get relaxed even for a couple of minutes and that morning piss it's like  a car service but for human...

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