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"As you sow, so shall you reap."

The reckoning day has arrived, and the dept must be settled"

He opened the door, and called for Aya to come in, he told her in her ears to not bring any sensitive subject, then he left the room for them to talk while he was sitting outside thinking of this new shitty problem that he knew it was coming sometime in the future, but not like that, he felt like he is in a nightmare and it's time for him to wake up. His thinking threads were cut off by Asmae and Aya's laughter, he decided to join them, and they stayed like this for a while till Aya's phone rang up, it was her dad calling for her to come back home, Miro asked about it, but she said that jt wasn't a big deal just her aunt has arrived and she wants to see her, so she said goodbye to Asmae and hugged her as they're leaving tomorrow, Miro offered to drive her home but she said she'll take a taxi. He walked with her outside, and while they were waiting for a taxi to come,

-MIRO: So this is it, this is the end of our journey.

-AYA: not quite well, we gonna be here next year, you promised me right?

-MIRO: Of course, and I always keep my promises.

-AYA: you know, I really enjoyed this few days with you, it meant a lot for me, and I wanted to tell something to you before I leave.

-MIRO: lemme guess, you've feelings for me don't you?

-AYA: yea... yeah, how did you know?

-MIRO: Because I've been in love before and I Know what is it like, and tbh I thought I would never feel that again, until I met you, you Aya made me feel things, and I wanted to tell that I also have feelings for you.

Asmae was watching from the window, they kept looking at each others eyes, a moment of silence before the horn of the taxi calling for Aya, and before she leaves she kissed him, time got frozen, the whole scene Stoped everything, the sky suddenly started to break into pieces like a mirror was hit by a rock, and the whole started to fall apart, a little girl's voice from far away saying "it's waking up, call the doctor.." then a bright light took over the whole scene...

Suddenly He opened his eyes slowly...

-The Girl: Dad! You finally woke up...

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