a Dream (Chapter 11)

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"In the moonlit night, as anticipation soared, hearts whispered secrets, and destiny hung in the balance—love, desire, and untold stories unfolded."

While they were having lunch Asmae kept glimpsing to Miro about the vacation thing, his dad noticed that there's something there, so he asked

-DAD: what's going on between the two of you?

-MIRO: No there's nothing!

-ASMAE: c'mon just tell him already!

-DAD: tell me what? You finally agreed about the wedding day?

-MIRO: haha very funny! Well dad, I was thinking that maybe we can go for a vacation next week you know, to change the routine little bit, so, what are you saying?

-DAD: Hmmm well why not, we can go for couple of days, so do you have a place in your mind?

-MIRO: Actually yeah, I was thinking about going to Marrakech, we ain't been there in a long time, and we can go to the nearby places like ourika and so.

-ASMAE: That's right uncle, I heard OURIKA is beautiful in this time of the year!

-DAD: Sounds Good, what about sis, you in?

-Auntie: Sure why not, whatever my Asmae wants.

-ASMAE: Thank you Uncle, thank you mommy, Love you!

She looked at him with a spark in her eyes, saying thank you, and he replied with his eyes you're welcome my darling...

-DAD: Well we can take both cars, and you can drive alongside with your aunt.

-MIRO: Yea sure!

-DAD: Well then next week it is!

-MIRO: Thanks dad!

Later that day, he took the ladies His mom, his auntie and Asmae downtown to do some shopping, and he went to the barber to get a new haircut, and it's a good time to talk to Tinder Girl.

-MIRO: Hey Tinder Girl!

-HER: Hey Miro! Don't call me that, I feel dirty.

-MIRO: Well you still didn't tell me your name so..

-HER: Yeah I know, but still, don't call me that

-MIRO: Alright alright, I'm sorry!

-HER: It's okay!

-MIRO: I wanted to ask you, you live in Marrakech right?

-HER: Yeah, that's right, it was in my tinder profile, why are asking?

-MIRO: Well, I'm coming  there for a vacation,  and I'm wondering if I can meet you, even tho,  I still didn't win your game!

-HER: Oh Really! When is that?

-MIRO: Next week, if nothing went wrong of course.

-HER: Hmmm, well you know what, I kinda like you, you are adorable and funny and everything, and we became friends.

-MIRO: Well thank you for your sweet words!

-HER: It's just the truth, and for that forget about the game and everything, I'll meet you if you came to Marrakech, how about that?

MIRO: Oh really? That's actually nice, cool!

-HER: You see, I told you you'd want to meet me hahaha

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