a Dream (Chapter 05)

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"Sometimes Dreams get Realistic more than Reality itself."

He continued his day as usual, just the thing with that girl kept bothering him but he tried to ignore it...
Midnight, the same spot in the middle of the road, music in his ears, got into he mood, he decided to send her a message...

-It's Almost 02 am, you must say morning.

-Haha, not for me the day only starts when I sleep and wake up even if I slept at 7 am it's not morning yet.

-Yea, yea , you right.

-Well, I noticed that your Bio is written in Korean, do you speak it?

-Yea actually I do speak it.
-Huh, that's fascinating actually, I used to know a friend that also speaks Korean.

-Well, I don't know many Moroccans who speaks it, but I do know friends from korea.

-And from what I noticed, from your clothing style,you are really into that kind of stuff.

-Yea it's called Ulzangg Style!

-yea, I've heard of it somewhere, it's weird but it's cool, It suits you very well...

They kept talking all night long abt many things, different subjects, movies, art, music ext..., He seems to like her, and her funny kind personality...

-You know girl, even that I only know you for 3 days it felt like I knew you forever.

-The same for me Miro, well I hope this would be a beginning of great friendship.

-I'm sure it'll be. Well I gotta go now talk to u tomorrow.

-see ya tomorrow, sweet dreams!

...Headphones in, music on, walking alone, taking time for him self as if he spends most of his day with someone other than his own mind, thinking and thinking, about everything, suddenly on the road he stumbles on a body of a little boy, all covered in blood, yet still breathing, he panics and tries to help him, tries to call the ambulance no signal... He took his hand and ask him to come closer, afterwards, He whispered in his ear "It's all your fault" and then he heard someone behind him saying "wake up" once he turned his head to see who, a truck coming towards him as soon as it hits him, he jumped from his bed scared asf, sweating, heavily breathing, and bleeding from his nose..., thank God it's just another nightmare.(He said). After he calmed a bit, he rolled over the bed wore his clothes and left his cave...

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