a Dream (Chapter 08)

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"In the symphony of life, every unexpected note contributes to the melody of our existence."

He opened his eyes facing the ceiling kept starring at it for a few seconds, until he heard a voice nxt to him:
-ASMAE: What are we looking at?

-MIRO: What actual fuck! How did you get in here? Who let you in?

-ASMAE: I've my ways, anyway get up we've stuff to do...

-MIRO: Huh? What are you talking about?

-ASMAE: It's a surprise. C'mon let's gooo...

-MIRO: God Help me it's just 09:00 am where are you going?

-ASMAE: Stop asking questions and let's go.

-MIRO: Okay go and I'll catch you.

ASMAE: Don't be late.

-MIRO: Finally I got rid of her, now I can sleep in peace...

A few moments later hard Knocking on the door, you won't get rid of me this easy.

-MIRO: What have I done to deserve this, all I want is to sleep in peace why can't I have this why...
OKAAAY I'M COMING! for God sake.

He finally get up from the bed, and checked his phone... Shit 10 msgs from her, damn I forgot abt her ithe middle of this whole mess, I need to text her back...(He said).

-MIRO: Hey Girl, I know, I'm sorry I ghosted you for the last 2 days, but I was in a mess and alot of shit happened and we've guests, and guess who came as well, the girl I told you about, my ex long story short I'm gonna explain everything at night I promise.
Sent... Well I can't expect her to reply that quick after me ghosting her...
Notification pop's up...
-Her:Damnit Miro I was worried that something might happend to you, I'm glad that you're okay.

Huh, she's really was worried about me, does she really care about me hmmm, wait wait, not again, calm down, it's not what you think...(inside his head)

-MIRO: I'm really sorry I got lost in all of this shit as I said I'll explain everything at night.

-Her: Okay then, I'll be there at the time, and it's better be good.

He managed to solve one problem at least, yet the other one is still waiting. It's gonna be a long summer for sure...

He left his cave, went to the bathroom, finished the usual tasks, from there to the kitchen to fill up, he met his mom, she told him that the breakfast is on the table, and when he'll finish eating, he should put everything to its place, he noticed she getting ready to leave and his dad is calling her, you guys going somewhere?(He asked). We're going to your uncle's house for lunch, why don't remember what I told you yesterday?(She replied).

-MIRO: Aaah give me a break, I bearly remember to feed my self.

-MOM: Huh, so Maybe someday you'll forget about me too?

-MIRO: Naaah don't worry, you live in my heart, and how Can I forget who makes the best pancakes.

-MOM: Alright alright, you got on this one, well do what I told and follow us there, don't be late.

-MIRO: Okay mom, don't worry.

Once everyone left, he took a moment to enjoy his breakfast in peace and quiet, then she jumped on him and scared the shit out of him, the tea was all over his clothes...

He stood up furiously and looked at her with his dead eyes, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? I ALMOST BURNED MYSELF. WHERE THE HELL WAS YOUR THINKING.(he yelled at her)

-ASMAE: I'm sorry I didn't mean to, here lemme help you.

-MIRO: Stay TF away from me, damnit. What a bloody morning.

He left the kitchen back to his cave to change his clothes then he went back to the kitchen to finish his breakfast, to find her on the ground crying...

-ASMAE: Wherever I go all I do is trouble and no matter how I try to do good things I always ended up making things worse.

-MIRO: It's okay I'm alright I overreacted a little bit, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that...

-ASMAE: No, not just that I'm talking about everything, and that day...

-MIRO: Let's not talk about that right now, you didn't know what to do, you're just a little kid, and it was my fault I shouldn't have left alone, and you didn't force me on anything, and if I had to do it all over again I would.

-ASMAE: I'm so stupid, and I don't deserve to live...

-MIRO: C'mon now stand up and stop crying, what happened in the past stays in the past, we live now, at moment.

She looked at him with teary eyes then they hugged and she stopped crying, then they had breakfast together and she was laughing like a little kid while he was up somewhere in the sky, thinking of what there's yet to come in this lovely, June...

Yet to be continued

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