Chapter 158

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24. The Return of the Seven

Noel Bennon Ruthison, a member of the Central Infantry of the Empire of Langridge, prayed and prayed that this sickening, land-grabbing war would end as soon as possible.

The Continental War broke out again in the Holy Land of Romalizan. Before going to today's first round of the war, Noel woke up early in the morning, setting his drink in front of his barracks and praying.

His comrade, Heisen, walked by and asked, "Noel, what are you doing up at dawn?"

"Can't you see? I'm praying, dude."

"The way you pray must have changed without my knowledge."

"It's a story from the Northern Empire. They say that if you pray like this, the gods of the earth will hear you."

"You believe in that kind of superstition? You'll be in trouble if the Holy See catches wind of it."

"We're already fighting the Holy See tooth and nail, so what does it matter?"

Unable to respond to Noel's rebuttal, Heisen finally shut up.

That's right. This insane war taking place in Romalizan was a power struggle between all the forces of the Western Continent, including the Holy See and the Wizards' Association (Magic Tower), the Empire of Langridge, the Kingdom of Hestia, and the Northern Principalities and Empires.

"Where did the missing 'seven' go? This is truly a mystery that will forever be remembered in history. Only when they return will this damn war end or there will be a ceasefire," Noel muttered with a sigh.

Heisen shrugged, looking around at the soldiers bustling about as the sun began to rise. "Unless God really did take them, I don't know how they could have disappeared so suddenly in one day."

This came from Heisen, who didn't believe in God.

Noel looked up in surprise. "Why are you saying something like that?"

"It's just the way things are these days."

Heisen's self-deprecating tone immediately resonated with Noel.

At that moment, a superior's voice came from the barracks entrance. It was Lord Feldheim, the combat commander of their infantry.

Fully armed and standing upright, Lord Feldheim glared at Noel and Heisen.

"What are you doing, gentlemen? Aren't you ready for war?"

"We are ready!"

"I apologize. We'll start right away!"

Noel and Heisen ran out of the barracks in a huff.

But that day, in the Holy Land of Romalizan, they witnessed it firsthand.

The moment when the 'seven' rode a giant divine beast and tore through the sky.


It's been about a week since we escaped the island.

The war had been brought to a cease-fire by our sudden arrival in the middle of the war.

There was no pandemonium at first. Everyone rubbed their eyes and doubted what they were seeing, and then suddenly the war stopped.

The process of identification was brief and quick, as the missing high-ranking figures showed up not one by one, but all at once.

We were escorted to the barracks of the Langridge Empire, where we were heavily guarded. It was a small military barracks, but when I saw the triumph of civilization and so many people alive, I realized that I had really escaped. I was on the verge of tears.

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