Chapter 95

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Were there more people? Did they come before us? Or afterward? Were they also citizens of the empire?

There were a lot of things I wanted to ask, but I couldn't. I don't know how miserable Jenas must have been when he said that the people he was with had died.

I paused for a moment.

But before I could even offer my condolences, Jenas spoke first. "I don't even know how much time has passed."


"I counted the days at first, but I missed it at some point." Jenas, still holding the coconuts in his arms, answered in a very calm tone.

"I see."

Then, even if I asked him when he woke up, it would be difficult to compare it accurately to the date we woke up.

"Were you here alone, too?"

"I had a group. When we opened our eyes, we were suddenly on this island. I was swept away by the river and separated from them."

"What's your name, sister?"

"Oh, I'm late in introducing myself, aren't I? I am Margaret Rose Floné, you can call me Margaret. I am the Duke of Floné's daughter from the Langridge Empire."

"Duke's daughter......"

Jenas looked at me with a curious look. Is this your first time seeing a noble? I was taken aback by Jenas' stinging gaze.

'You'd be stunned to see the Langridge Kingdom's Crown Prince and Hestia Kingdom's Crown Prince.'

With that thought in mind, I thought of my group for a moment.

'Is everyone okay? I hope you're all safe.'

I think this island is quite big. What if our paths diverged while trying to meet? Would it be better to go near the suspension bridge?

I let out a sigh. I can't believe I'm worried about other people at a time when I don't know what's going to happen to me.

From what he looks, Jenas doesn't seem to have any special weapons. First, I need to figure out the situation in a safe place, and then think about how to find Enoch and Kayden.

"Sister, there is a cabin where I used to live, would you like to go?"

"Is there a cabin here?"

"Yes." Jenas nodded his head vigorously.

I thought the cabin was only on the South Island where we used to live.

'Can I trust him?'

But if this little boy has anything to do with the secret of this island, I have to check what it is.

Besides, it's dangerous anywhere after the sun goes down.

"You are hurt, sister. I can heal you," the boy added, pointing to my wound. "There is medicine in the cabin."

"Medicine? Really? Are you sure there is medicine to heal these kinds of wounds?"

He quietly nodded at my question. He doesn't seem to have any intention of making any additional statements.

I pondered for a long time and finally made a decision. "......yes, let's go."

If my wound is left as it is and an infection occurs, it will be a big problem.

You can't judge by appearances alone, but I don't think this little boy is the one who kidnapped us all. Of course, I'll have to stay on my toes.

I stared at my stuff laid out on the gravel to dry. Jenas, who followed my gaze exclaimed, "There are a lot of cool things."

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