Chapter 143

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"Darn it! Margaret, be careful."

"If there is danger, run away unconditionally, because your safety is more important than anything else."

I nodded hearing Kayden and Enoch's worries.

I took off down the way with Eunji in front of me, flare gun in hand, while Yuanna was alert for any attacks coming from behind us.

Arthdal helped out with his crossbow at the occasional hazard, and Enoch and Kayden ran alongside, fighting with sword and dagger in one hand.

After such an arduous struggle, we were fortunate enough to barely reach Arthdal's location.

Behind him was a path that seemed to lead into a cave, and he beckoned to us and we ran into it.

As soon as we entered the narrow path, the entrance ghostly collapsed, blocking our way. Luckily, I was relieved that we wouldn't be chased anymore.

"It's a short path, we'll be out in no time. Just a little further, and we'll be outside."

Yuanna led the way through the dark cave with Arthdal at her side.

True to her word, we were soon outside.

As soon as we were bathed in bright light, I sat down in relief.

"There's a hut we saw on the way here, we'd better take shelter there."

At Arthdal's words, we nodded and moved together.


We had a lot of questions for each other, but there was no time to share our joy at being reunited.

Upon entering the narrow, one-story hut, we first checked on Diego and Ruzef, who were still unconscious.

Diego, who had been shot through the abdomen, was the most critical.

I then checked on Arthdal, who also had quite a few wounds.

However, I was unable to use Kayden's healing magic on Arthdal, as I had used up all of my mana healing Diego.

I grabbed the first aid kit from Kayden's backpack. I picked out some medicines to treat Arthdal's wounds and examined him closely. It was full of scratches and cuts.

"Fracture? I mean, if you have a fracture, you shouldn't have caught me falling from that height."

Arthdal's brow furrowed at my words, then broke into an easy smile. He's trying to maintain his dignity in the midst of such seriousness, so typical of a prince.

Arthdal gently lifted his shirt to reveal bruised ribs. "It looks like something similar to when you were injured before. You said it was a fracture."

But I'm not a doctor, so how can I tell by looking at it, it's not like I'm taking a CT scan.

"Still, the wound seems to be healing quickly, and I've made a noticeable recovery, but as you said, my condition got a little worse I caught you falling from a great height."

No, then, in the midst of such pain, he helped us by shooting a crossbow. In a sense, Arthdal is also really great and venomous.

Judging by the way he reacted when I pressed lightly on the wound, I'm pretty sure it was a cracked bone, because if it was broken, he'd probably have trouble even moving.

Arthdal groaned in pain and took a deep breath before turning to me.

"Now that I've been through it, I understand. I'm sorry for everything. I've been through a lot."

I looked up as I applied the medicine to his wound. His words were so unexpected.

Arthdal looked away, shy. I've never seen Arthdal, who always had a smirk on his face, look so shy.

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