Chapter 70

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Kayden and I hurriedly ran in the direction the sound was heard.

And the scene we encountered was not so different from what we had seen a while ago.

If there was a hell, would it be this place?

Dozens of giant spiders were lying down. And the man who stepped on the spider was swinging his sword at the spiders that kept coming.

The green blood of the monster formed a river on the ground.


Horrible sounds of spiders screaming or whatever rang out constantly.

Eunji, who was wrapped around my arm, surprised, climbed onto my shoulder and buried his face through my hair.

"Young Lady Floné! You are alive!"

I heard a familiar voice from a distance. Yuanna, sitting on a tall branch, was waving at me.

Yuanna has no fighting power. Besides, she doesn't even have a weapon like a flare gun like me. Nevertheless, she knew how to deal with danger on her own, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Young Lady Floné."

This time, someone called me from right next to me. When I turned around, the pink hair caught my eye first. It was Arthdal.

Yuanna was not in a position to be able to come here, but Arthdal seemed to be quite close to us.

He looked at us in turn and soon gritted his teeth.

"You are alive."

"You are here, Lord, Young Lady?"

And likewise, Diego, who must have been nearby, rushed over.

"What is that......?"

While Arthdal ​​pointed to Eunji on my shoulder and asked, Diego drew his sword and pointed it at me.

Kayden quickly stepped in front of me.

"It's not dangerous, put your sword away."

"Eunji is not dangerous. Really."

As I said so, Arthdal ​​looked at me with a puzzled face.


"Eunji is this kid's name, but that's not what matters now. Why is Enoch so out of control?"

At my question, Diego and Arthdal's faces turned white. They rubbed their tired faces with their hands and looked back at Enoch, who was in a frenzy again.

"Where is the Archbishop?"

No matter how much I looked, I couldn't find Ruzef. Arthdal ​​sighed and looked in the direction Enoch was standing.

"He's there."

"......there? Is the Archbishop over there?"

Oh my gosh...... The poor Archbishop Ruzef is over there.

"It seems he is still unharmed. The Crown Prince seems to be protecting the Archbishop subconsciously, but I don't know how long it will last. The Crown Prince's condition is also very unstable," Diego replied in a deep voice.

"That guy is not human. He is a beast."

Arthdal ​​was fed up and gritted his teeth as he looked at Enoch with his arms crossed.

"There's no way talking to him could work. He's been slaughtering monsters like that for two days."

"It's possible to stop him temporarily if Your Highness Arthdal is willing to help me."

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