Chapter 19

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Short dark brown hair and green eyes. Enoch knew clearly who the man was.

Diego Bastian Wilterheim.

He was the commander of the Imperial Guards nicknamed Sword of the Langridge Empire.

When Kayden appeared, he was distracted by something else and didn't think much about it, but things were going strangely.

The crown prince of the empire, the daughter of the prestigious duke family, the archmage, and the commander of the imperial guards. All of them were influential figures in the Langridge Empire.

"Please wait a moment, Your Highness. What happened? "

Diego looked at Enoch with a puzzled expression.

"I think that's what I should say, Sir Diego."

Sir Diego. When the title was mentioned, Diego's body reacted first. He kneeled down on one, placing his fist on his chest and bowing his head.

Enoch looked carefully at Diego's outfit. He was wearing the guard uniform of the Langridge Empire.

Enoch was also at work, so he woke up on the island wearing the prince's uniform.

"How did you get on this island?"

"I don't know either. During training, I suddenly lost consciousness and when I opened my eyes I was lying on the river bank."

Diego answered with a sincere face that didn't lie at all.

"How did Your Highness come to be here?"

"While working in my office, suddenly I was here when I opened my eyes."

Enoch angrily swept his hair up and looked at Diego.

"Did you find out anything? Have you made a rescue call?"

Diego shook his head at Enoch's question. He sighed as if frustrated.

"I have no idea how I got here. There were two people with me, and they were in the same situation as me."

Diego was in the same situation as Enoch, too. However, Enoch does not know how far he can trust his words.

Enoch trusted Diego in the Langridge Empire, but he could not believe him on this island.

Because the identity of the culprit who brought them to this island is still unknown.

"Wait, is there anyone else?"

"Oh, they are people you know too. Crown Prince Arthdal and Archbishop Ruzef have also woken up on this island."

Enoch was surprised by Diego's answer and asked again,

"Archbishop Ruzef?"

"Yes, Archbishop Ruzef of the Holy See."

At Diego's calm reply, Enoch burst into laughter.

It seems that even the priest could not escape this disaster. As expected, there's no god. He laughed spontaneously without realizing it.

Enoch looked down at Diego who was still on one knee in front of him.

Now that he can't trust anyone, he couldn't do Diego a favor hastily.

Moreover, Crown Prince Arthdal ​​and Archbishop Ruzef......

Among them, Enoch hated Prince Arthdal ​​especially. It was because his temper was very arrogant and overconfident. Moreover, he had a bad relationship with him since childhood.

"The Crown Princes, Archbishop, and Commander of the Guards....... They are the only key figures of the Langridge Empire and the Kingdom of Hestia."

Among Enoch's party were the Archmage Kayden and Margaret of Floné.

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