Chapter 74

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I do not get what he means. Looking around, even Kayden didn't seem to understand what he said.

Crown Prince Arthdal ​​didn't seem to want to explain further.

What? Why are you bluffing by saying something meaningful? Fed up with Arthdal, in the end, I decided to ignore him.

Anyway, in the past, Margaret had a large number of mana reserves, but as soon as she heard that she had to practice to use it, she gave up right away. Because it would obviously be tedious and difficult.

Come to think of it, there was something else I had heard about my mana.

I looked at Kayden and said, "My magic teacher also once said I have a lot of mana. In the past, I did a magic test when I took an academy entrance exam, and I broke the test ball."

After looking around at the people listening to me, I shrugged.

"The professor at the Faculty of Magic, who was the examiner at the time said that it was either because there was a problem with the test ball or I had extraordinary mana. So he said he would bring a new test ball and asked me to try again......"

"You did it?"

"I didn't. In the first place, I only went there because Enoch was supposed to be the special examiner, I wasn't really interested in getting into the academy."

Everyone looked at me with strange eyes.

"Why are you all looking at me with pitying eyes?"

Arthdal ​​sighed and replied, "I almost forgot how many times Young Lady Floné followed Crown Prince Enoch back then."

"I know, right. As expected, everything Young Lady did was for His Highness Enoch."

Yuanna nodded in agreement as well.

'Because Margaret likes Enoch' seems to be a magical word that gives a free pass to Margaret's questionable behavior.

But since it's true, I can't deny it even if I wanted to.

"That is a thing of the past. It is different now. Right, Margaret?"

Kayden, who had been sitting the whole time with a dissatisfied face, asked me.

"Uh....., well, I don't have time to worry about that right now."

"See, Margaret doesn't like the Crown Prince anymore."

I wondered if I should refute Kayden's words, but it wasn't wrong either, so I just kept silent.

"Anyway, no matter how much mana Young Lady had, that is in the past, and now on this island, your mana is close to zero, isn't it?"

"I think so. Because this is an island where magic cannot be used."

"But the hypothesis is that the monster was imprinted because of Young Lady's mana, isn't it?"

I pondered Arthdal's question.

"Then why......"

Yuanna muttered while resting her chin. Right? I don't know either.

Everyone looked at Eunji again with suspicious eyes. Eunji, who just slithered out of my dress pocket, was on my lap, waving his tail and flicking his tongue cutely.

As I was thinking about Eunji for a long time, Enoch, who I thought was sleeping, suddenly grabbed my wrist.

I stared blankly at Enoch who was still lying down.

He opened his eyes drowsily and asked, "Is that really true?" with a very low voice.

Enoch looked at me deeply. Perhaps it was because of fatigue or fever that his voice became hoarse.

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