Chapter 104

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Diego sat on one knee on the floor, took a heavy-looking load from the bag, and put it in the bag of leaves he was carrying. Most of them were daily necessities such as bowls and wooden knives.

"Is this okay?" Diego handed the slightly lighter bag to Ruzef.

Ruzef nodded a little awkwardly. "Thank you."

Diego walked forward without responding.

"The saintess and the crown prince will definitely catch up with us right?"

Hearing Ruzef's muttering, Diego nodded.

"Crown prince Arthdal has weapons, so they should be fine."

After the suspension bridge was cut off, they were completely disoriented because Margaret, Enoch, and Kayden disappeared in turn.

The distance to the South Island was quite far, so not only could their voices not be heard, but it was also difficult to communicate any other way.

However, it was not until Arthdal, who was still on the South Island with Yuanna, cut a huge leaf and made a star sign, then Diego and Ruzef realized what Arthdal meant: to meet at the star-marked place, as originally planned.

However, without a compass or a map, Diego and Ruzef ran into a lot of problems going on the road.

In the end, after much debate, they decided to mark the way they came and return to their original place in case they got lost. After making that decision, they started walking aimlessly toward the west of the North Island.

"To be honest, it was unexpected. I thought you'd be looking for a way back to the saintess right away," said Ruzef.

Diego answered calmly as he walked down the street. "The saintess is not weaker than she looks."

Diego glanced at Ruzef and added, "And wouldn't it be more important now to find out if Lady Floné is alive or dead?"

Somehow it sounded like 'just worry about yourself', so Ruzef twisted his mouth in displeasure.

"Lady Floné isn't that weak either. She must be alive."

His trust in her was strong, but in fact, Ruzef was also anxious. He tried to calm the anxiety bubbling up inside him and kept repeating that she must be safe.

"Honestly, isn't it true that Lady Floné's absence is greater than that of everyone else's?" Diego brought up such an unexpected remark.

He continued, "This is a dangerous island that wouldn't be strange for someone to disappear at any moment, but for some reason, I think only Lady Floné will survive. It's hard to believe she just disappeared......."

"Lady Floné is someone who gives you such trust." Ruzef smiled bitterly.

Diego nodded his head with a mixed expression.

"I hope she's safe. I mean it"


It's as if Eunji has a location tracker installed, he always finds where I am but doesn't know anyone else's.

I rummaged through my crossbody bag.

"Isn't there something from Kayden? If Eunji sniffs it, maybe he can find it?"

" you think he is a real dog?"

I had nothing to say to Enoch's question, so I put down my bag.

Eunji flicked his tongue and tilted his head. After patting Eunji's head, I eventually went with Enoch to look for Kayden again.

But forebodings are never wrong. We wandered through the forest until the sun went down, but couldn't find Kayden.

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