"Yes but that can wait, it's almost time for the party." Devon said, looking at the time on the wall.

"Do you think your sisters listened to anything we've said and asked for?" Bray asked before having Devon help her stand up on her own two feet.

"It's Karma so no, she more likely hasn't." Devon laughed.

"Yeah you're probably right, okay well you go get ready I'm going to take a shower." Bray said to Devon.

Devon gave Bray a thumbs up before heading to his office where he stashed their costumes for the party. It was the day before Halloween and they were finally going to find out the gender of each baby.

It was a big deal and most would understand why.

After taking a shower and having Devon help her into her costume, which she was surprised to fit because of how big she had gotten, Bray was finally ready to head to Karma's where the party was being hosted.

Apparently she had a better back yard then Devon, and the pool was a concern since there would be people drinking, but not too much and some people were bringing their children since it was a family friendly gender reveal party.

Devon helped Bray into the car and then they headed over to Karma's place. It was only a fifteen minute drive and by time they got there the driveway was already packed and it was only twelve thirty in the afternoon.

They both got out of the car and walked into the front door and then to the back yard where everyone was.

Bray-Lynne was stunned at how much had been done in just two days.

"Wow, this is just wow." Bray- Lynne said while holding Devon's hand and walked with him to where Karma and Beth were.

"Karma do you think you went a little over bored?" Devon asked his sister as he finally made it to her.

"It's a DiCaprio gender reveal. It had to be big." Karma stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay Karma whatever you say." Bray laughed a little at Karma's attitude.

"Whatever but now that you are finally here we can get this show on the road." Karma said, clapping her hands together like a schoolgirl.

Bray and Devon both rolled their eyes but followed Karma to the small stage that was set up facing the water.

Karma's house sat just off the beach and was stunning.

Bray- Lynne stopped at the steps that lead up to where Karma was waiting.

"It's okay, I'm scared too." Devon whispered in her ear while squeezing her hand maybe a little too tightly.

Bray took a deep breath before gaining the courage she needed to walk up on the stage. Slowly she and Devon made their way to the middle of the stage where a table was set up.

On top of the table were solid black cauldrons. Each cauldron would light up in color and that color would tell you what each baby was if they were girls or boys, or maybe one of each.

"Okay everybody. Both of these Cauldrons are set up so that when Devon and Bray hit this button they will light up on their own. Orange is for a boy and purple is for a girl." Karma yelled out.

"Hey Karma I thought we decided on green and yellow." Devon asked his sister.

"Yeah well I couldn't find any green and Yellows that looked decent enough to go with the theme and that would wow people. So I picked two different colors to match the Halloween theme and those were again not the traditional colors." Karma said back to her brother.

"Well as long as it's not pink and blue." Bray said after a second of silence.

"Okay everyone let's get this show on the road." Lilly yelled out.

She was in front of everyone holding a video recorder so she could catch everyone's reactions.

Bray and Devon held the controller with the button that would light the cauldrons up.

"Okay on the count of three!" Karma yelled out.

"One" Everyone yelled out at once.



Devon and Bray- Lynne hit the button at the same time and each cauldron lit up.

Devon couldn't believe his eyes and Bray- Lynne had tears in hers.

Everyone around them was cheering and howling out in joy.

"I can't believe it." Bray- Lynne said sobbing. She was just overjoyed and couldn't believe that this was happening.

"So I think the names we picked will work perfectly." Devon said, grabbing his wife and holding her.

"Eliza and Lucas." Bray- Lynne smiled.

She was going to be the mother of a little girl and boy. 

Devon's Girl (Book 1 of Lovely Desires)!Where stories live. Discover now