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Another week of school has just started. This is our first day of school after Homecoming.

El and I are sitting on the school bleachers right now, the weather is still warm, so we're taking advantage of it while we can.

I had just told Eleanor about the whole situation with Chloe, all the preparations had made me completely forget about it, but I didn't want to hide it from my friend. I felt like this incident made her more angry than me. But I'm not surprised, our old friend caused us a lot of pain and suffering.

-When is your next training?- El asks, changing the topic and referring to my skating preparations, which were in a sense suspended due to preparations for Homecoming.

-On Wednesday, and then the following week on Monday and Thursday- I answer- the coach said that he could provide me with the ice rink for my own use if I was responsible for closing it and cleaning up after myself. He said it's better for me to be alone because when there are hockey players, I distract them too much and then they can't focus on a good game- I added, laughing.

-Come on, someone's messing with the boys here - she nudged me in the shoulder

-It's only one-sided, I was fully focused - I roll my eyes jokingly

Suddenly we heard some screams from the distance

-Someone is calling you- El pointed to someone's figure in the distance, I didn't really know who it was or what it could be about, but together we decided to check it out

As I got closer, I recognized the boy who complimented my attempt at the ice rink and then my appearance while wearing pajamas. Only problem is I can't remember his name...

-Do you know who this is? - El whispered as we got closer

-He plays in the hockey team, we saw each other at the ice rink and during the day in pajamas, he introduced himself to me but I've already forgotten his name- I shrugged.

-Hi- a blond-haired boy greets us with a smile, followed by three boys standing with him.

-Hi- El and I reply shyly at the same time

-I don't think we've met before- he looks at Eleanor- I'm Conan- he shakes her hand- and these are Austin, Jake and Logan- he points to his friends, who shake our hands

-I'm...- I start but one of the boys interrupts me

-We know you- says Jake, I feel a bit strange, since we've been here he's been closely examining Eleanor and normally I wouldn't mind it because she's a beautiful girl, but he looks at her with such a hungry and lustful look that it's scary

-From where?- Eleanor asks, I'm also surprised, we try not to stand out from other students

-It's hard not to know girls this pretty- Logan says this time, and I feel more and more uncomfortable

I'd love to just leave, but that wouldn't be nice, especially since they haven't done anything to us and we've only just met and I'm already judging them.

-Why did you call us?- I ask with a smile, ignoring the compliment, I want to know why I'm standing here

-We happen to be hosting a Halloween party at Jake's house this year, and we just started inviting people, and we wanted to invite you, too- Conan replies

-The whole school will be there- Austin adds

-Oh- is all I can say, I wasn't planning on celebrating this holiday this year, I don't think I'm planning on it yet, I don't know if I can do it, but before I can say no, Eleanor says

Teach me how to loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora