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Lily's pov

I feel like I just went to sleep and now I have to get up. I drag myself out of bed with great pain, not even looking at the time. I hate mornings, I'm definitely not a morning person and waking up at 6.10am every day is a total disaster. I don't know who invented buses so early, but I promise I'll find that person and tell them what I think personally. In fact, I could drive a car, but I'd have to get up even earlier to find a spot in the school parking lot, and that doesn't appeal to me.

The house is extremely quiet, but I'm not surprised, after all, everyone should be asleep at this time. The only thing that bothers me is that for the first time in several years, my mom doesn't call me for breakfast on the first day of school. For as long as I can remember, my mother always prepared a delicious breakfast for me on this day and we started the day together. Maybe she just overslept? Or decided there was no point in doing it anymore since I stopped eating breakfast in the morning and only took a snack to school? Nah, even if that was the reason, she would still get up to talk for a while and wish me a good day.

Then my phone beeped, I got a notification, then another, and another...

Who has time for such things at this hour?

I quickly checked my phone and froze.

How the hell is it 7:30!?

I'm screwed, first day of school and I'm already going to be late, awesome.

I quickly run to the bathroom, thank God I got my clothes ready yesterday, I don't have much time for makeup but I'd rather miss school than go without it. I hate my face, the acne I struggled with a few years ago left a few scars that my friend says aren't even visible, but I feel like she's saying that out of pity so I don't feel bad, but in fact everyone pays attention to it and thinks " is it so hard for her to put on make-up when she sees what she has on her face", "how can you show yourself like that in public" and the best "I feel sorry for you". Nothing annoys me more than that. What are you sorry for? I didn't choose such a face myself, people really should stop pointing out the appearance of others especially if someone has no influence on it and can't change it just like that.

In fact, in high school I never heard such words, but in elementary school it was worse. People here don't care what you look like. Which doesn't change the fact that because of childhood events I'm afraid to show myself without makeup.

Anyway.... I do my make-up quite quickly to catch the last bus that has a chance to take me to school at 8.00. Is it possible? We'll see.

After 15 minutes I'm ready, let's say...

I quickly run out of the house and see that the bus is coming. It worked..

10 minutes later......

I run quickly off the bus and run towards the main door, almost tripping over my feet in the process. I have about two minutes before the bell and I don't even know what class I have and which classroom to look for. You can do it....

Then I noticed that there were still many people standing outside, not caring that classes were about to start. So why am I stressing about it? It's still the same school, nothing new awaits me, the same every year- studying... Okay, I won't play the perfect student, there will be parties.

I don't think I could go through the whole school year without at least one party per semester, believe me, it really helps to get away from everything.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the bell, I look around and there is no one else but one person.. Mathheo Blake is running towards me, I mean not to me, but to the front door, you know what I mean.

I don't know him very well, all I know is that he's entering his senior year like me, he's a captain of the hockey team, and I've heard rumors that he's not getting along with his girlfriend lately, apparently they took a "relationship break" throughout the summer. What nonsense, there is no such thing as a break in a relationship, because either the feeling is there all the time or it is not there at all.

All of a sudden I hear someone clear their throat, I look up and he's waiting, holding the door open for me, okaay, I wasn't expecting this

-Are you coming? - He asked

-Oh, yeah, thank you- I said, slightly confused, mentally scolding myself for my constant brooding.

-I've never seen you come to school so late before.- he says as he enters the building with me

-Well, somehow it turned out that I didn't hear the alarm clock and I overslept, it's good that at least I made it on time for the last bus. I'm so sorry, but I'm really in a hurry now

-I see, I should probably take a similar approach to yours, especially since Mrs. Miller said she no longer takes my excuses. Good luck

-Yeah, you too...

After about 3 minutes I found the class, luckily I have geography so I don't have to worry because the teacher is very understanding

-Good morning- I say, slightly embarrassed as I enter the classroom

-Lily! I thought you weren't coming. Good to see you

-I'm really sorry I'm late, but I missed the first bus.

- I understand, nothing bad happened, please take a seat

I quickly make my way to the back of the classroom, where I sit down with my friend

-Where the hell have you been!?

-I overslept and almost missed the second bus- I say finally relaxing

-Your bus takes ten minutes, fifteen max

- I was thinking a bit and suddenly the bell rang, then Mattheo appeared out of nowhere, and I didn't even know where our lessons were

-Mattheo? You mean Mattheo Blake!?

-Yeah, what's weird about that

-What were you talking about?

- Nothing, I was standing thoughtful and he asked if I was going and opened the door for me

-OMG, girl! I can't believe the captain of the hockey team is hitting on you, ahhhh!

-Thanks for believing in my abilities, and don't get so excited, the fact that he opened the door for me just means he's polite, not trying to hit on me, plus he has a girlfriend in case you forgot

-Yeah yeah, say what you want but also remember that things haven't been going so well for them lately, so it's only a matter of time before they break up, and then your time will come

-Don't say that, and it will never be my time, let's end this topic

-Whatever, but think about it, you and Mattheo Blake, the perfect couple, you'd go to his trainings, matches, you'd get us into every party and finally you wouldn't have to ride those stupid buses to school, also he doesn't look bad which is another plus...

I couldn't listen to her anymore, the constant talk about relationships only reminds me how broken this world is, so I stopped listening to Eleanor talking about the good sides of such a relationship and focused on the lesson...

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