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Lily's pov

Homecoming week has just started. I thought I'd be more excited, but I don't feel that way. I've seen about five couples who invited each other today. I'd like to say I'm disappointed that I didn't get any "big style" invitations, but the truth is I'm not sad about it.

It's not a huge event, is it? At least that's what I tell myself. Besides, El and I are going with the boys this time, so I don't need another invitation.

-Ready for later?- my friend asks with a smile as she walks out into the hallway

-For what?- I ask, not understanding what I should be prepared for

-For picking out a dress...- she gasps- you forgot?- she asks, her eyes widening

-Oh my... I'm so sorry, I completely slipped my mind- I just realized I promised El that we would pick out dresses together -gosh, I can't make it today, my mom needs me today, I'm so sorry, can we postpone it until tomorrow?- I look at her pleading

She looks at me for a moment and says nothing. I'm horrible....

-Okay- she says finally- but you have to pick me up in your car, then I'll forgive you completely- she adds after a moment with a mischievous smirk

-No problem- I smile, if then she doesn't mind that we had to postpone our plans because of me then I will

-See you later!- El says, walking slowly towards her class

Luckily it was the last lesson


Ever since I got home from school, I've been helping my mom carry some old boxes. She was eager to clean. I feel even more guilty that I left El to sort out some old stuff and get covered in dust.

That's the beauty of being an only child. There is no one else to help parents do something.

Although there are also good sides to not having siblings. I have always been the apple of my parents' eye and I had their attention and love, for which I am extremely grateful, because in this way we managed to build a great relationship.

But sometimes I really could use someone who could help me from time to time, especially in lifting heavy things. Theoretically, dad could do it, but mom always gets the urge to do it when he's not home.

In the end, I can't complain. I had a lot of fun doing these things. Every now and then, me or my mother would find some old souvenirs or handmade gifts. So many memories....

Mom remembered each gift and what occasion it was for, and she told the whole story about it.

I missed this. I would love to go back to when I was little, when nothing mattered and problems weren't so hard. I wish I could go back to my old self, when everything was perfect and I was the perfect daughter.

My parents don't know about my "problems", they can't find out. I don't want to hurt them, I wouldn't be able to bear the disappointment in their eyes and them blaming themselves for being their fault. They didn't do anything wrong, it's all my fault, so I have to go through this myself.

After we cleaned everything up, my mother and I sat on the couch and turned on a movie.Slowly my eyes started to close, but I didn't have the strength to get up. The last thing I heard were my mother's words

-Sleep well honey- then she kissed my head, covered me with a blanket and went to her bedroom


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