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It's never been as hard for me as it is now. The realization that I was just starting my senior year of high school and about to end one of the longest journeys of my life hit me harder than ever.

On the one hand, I was happy, I could finally live the way I want, in a different place, I could meet new people, do what I really like, but on the other, I really didn't want to end it. Wake up every morning, rush to work, come back tired, go to sleep and repeat it the next day. 

It's not that I'm going to miss school, actually I'm glad that the stress of studying will finally disappear and I won't have to worry about grades. The only thing I'm afraid of is losing everyone I've known over the years, I'm afraid that I'll only have memories and nothing else. 

People say that only fake people leave, but how can I call these people fake when they have been with me from the beginning? With whom I spent the so-called best period of my life? Who shared their every moment with me? 

It's not possible to keep them with you, just look around. How many friends from elementary school do you still hang out with?

Me? With one.

At the beginning of high school there were more of them. But now it's just the two of US...

What's more, how am I supposed to finish high school without fulfilling the dream of the younger me.

How am I supposed to go on living with the knowledge that at the age of 17 I never had a kiss, let alone a boyfriend, and some people at the same age were already experiencing serious love dilemmas.

Everyone says that teenage love is one of the most beautiful and even if it is not forever, it still teaches a lot and gives some of the best memories. 

And I? I know love only from books and movies, the love that fixes, forgives, gives happiness and survives everything, but also the love that destroys, breaks you to pieces, is illusory and fake. 

Why do people crave such love so much? Why can't we be sure that the other person will never hurt us and will always be by our side?

That's what scares me the most about love, the uncertainty and lack of guarantees.  These are the reasons why I stopped believing in love.

It's true, I've never experienced love other than that from family and friends, but I'm not saying this just because of that, I'm saying this because I see how love destroys, completely changes people and causes the worst emotions to explode.

So let's be honest - LOVE DOES NOT EXIST.

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