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Lily's pov

It's today, my last homecoming ever. And also the first in a whole new group of friends. This day was not how I imagined it to be. We were supposed to go all together, we were supposed to spend our "last times" together, and most of all, we were supposed to graduate together.

And now it's me and Eleanor... and the boys, who this time will kind of replace our old three friends.

I didn't go to school yesterday because I figured I'd already had pajama day. I probably missed some games prepared especially for this day, but I don't regret it. At least I could be better prepared for today.

Right away, El and I decided that we wouldn't stay long, so we didn't try to find partners. I'm going there just to go and now not to stand the boys up.

I kind of wish this was over, I'm not in the mood for a party. There's always something going wrong, and then things happen that people our age shouldn't worry about. And it's all because some people only have alcohol and drugs on their minds. As if you couldn't have fun without it.

I've been cleaning the whole house since morning, I had to keep my head busy until El arrives and we'll get ready together. She still has an hour left. The party starts at 6 pm, but we wanted to start getting ready earlier because it always took us a long time. I hope about two and a half hours will be enough, because we have to leave early and have some time to spare for photos.

I had nothing else to do so I figured I'd go take a shower after all the cleaning. It took me quite a while because I just heard a knock on the door and El's voice.

-I'm coming!- I shouted so she wouldn't be impatient any longer

-Omg, why so long?- she said as soon as I opened the door, immediately passing me and heading to my room

-Sorry, I was in the bathroom- I shrugged

-Come on, come on, hurry up, we need to start getting ready- I saw the slight excitement painted on her face

-Why are you so excited all of a sudden?- I asked

-I just love preparations- she waved her hand and I just laughed

-I hope you remember we're not staying long, at least I'm not- I wanted to make sure our intentions were still aligned

-I remember, I remember - she rolled her eyes gently, arranging the dress so that it would not be wrinkled, and at that time I was doing my skincare

-Do you know what makeup or hair you're going to do?- I asked after a moment of silence as El finally sat down and started getting ready

-I think I'm going to make a high smooth ponytail I'd like something other than the waves I always have and you know very well that straightening is not an option, I don't want to look like a slick again - I smiled softly at the memory of El with her hair straightened explaining to me that she looks like she got wet and won't go anywhere with her hair like this - and as for makeup, I'll go soft and use purple eyeliner to match the dress - she continued

I decided to curl my hair. My hair tends to be a little wavy every day, so this is going to be something a little different as well. I don't do heavy make-up either, it's basically like every day, only I'll add eye shadows and glue some crystals.

After more than two hours, we are finally ready. We've already taken a few selfies and are just getting the rest of our stuff to go downstairs.

My dad offered to drive us, Oliver offered to drive us too, but we didn't want to bother him anymore.

We were already on the last step when suddenly my mother started screaming.

-Wait, wait!

-What's up, mom?

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