Chapter 9: Fuck That Hurt

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"How did this happen?" Asked Ichigo from his seat in the waiting room, as he looked across a table towards Ai, who was currently staring at the blood on her hands. As she stared, she realized who could've leaked the address, the stars in her eyes became dark.

"Last week, before I moved into the apartment, I called Ruby's and Aqua's father to come see them. He's the only one I told, outside of our group." Ai said, getting Ichigo and Miyako's eyes to widen, before Ai bites her lip as she looked down at her hands, before starting to cry again. 

"This is all my fault… I should've known better." Ai said, clenching her fists tightly, Aqua and Ruby who was listening to the conversation from next to there mother, each of their stars also turning black.

"Don't cry momma, you wouldn't have known." Ruby said giving her mother a hug, as Aqua also hugged his mother from the opposite side of Ruby.

"Hoshino?" Came the voice of a doctor, as the group looked up spotting him in the door way.

"Yes Hoshino." Ichigo said with a sigh and nod.

"Well we have good new and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" The doctor asked, as Ai stood.

"The bad news." Ai said as her children took her hands.

"The bad news is, is that do to the man beating on his face, he severely damaged his right eye, we had to remove it. When he was stabbed from being slammed into the glass table, the large glass shard broke off into his back, puncturing his left lung, now the glass shard was large but we were able to remove it. Now when he stabbed just under his lung, he allowed the blood to flow through, which is great, if the lung filled with blood, it would've exploded or fail, do to his quick thinking he saved his lung." The doctor finished explaining as Ai stared at the doctor, with tears streaming down her face.

"A-and the good news?" Ai asked, causing the middle aged man to smile.

"Well he's showing signs of waking up soon, and with his quick thinking, he'll be able to go back into full function after a few weeks of rest, however at the end of the month, he has to come get his stitches removed for the stab wounds, however for the lung we used disolvable stitches, so by the time we need him to come back to remove the stitches, his inner stitches will be fully healed."  The doctor said, as Ai sighed in relief.

"Is there anything we can do for his eye?" Ichigo asked, causing the doctor to sigh and remove his glasses as he sat down rubbing his eyes.

"To remove and replace a human eye, it's not possible, the veins and tissue that connect the eye to the brain, once disconnected from the actual eye the vesles become unable to connect." The doctor explained, causing Ai to sigh and nod.

"However we can fill the socket with a glass eye of his choosing." The doctor said, before a nurse ran into the room.

"Doctor he's woken up, but he's panicking and is demanding to see Ms.Hoshino and her group." The nurse said, causing Miyako to stand as Ai looked worried.

"Okay let's go." The doctor said, standing to his feet, as the group and doctor follow the nurse in a jog. Arriving at the room, the group can hear the heart monitor beeping rapidly, as a nurse was attempting to calm the teen.

"Jake-kun!" Ai yelled running into the room, seeing her little brother panicking

"Ai-nee!" Jake yelled out, the desperate tone in his voice, causes Ai to run to her brother and envelope him into a hug. 

"Get me out of here! I wanna go home!" Jake screamed, he was obviously terrified of hospitals, that was certain.

"I will, I promise, but I need you to calm down for me." Ai said shakily, running her hands through his hair, as the boy shook his head.

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