Chapter 1: The New Boy

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It was a normal day for Class 1-D as everyone was talking amongst there groups, Horikita was reading a book, Ayanokoji was looking out the window, and everything seemed normal, if only they knew that something was about to happen that'd change there lives forever. Sae Chabashira, the teacher of class 1-D walked into the class, causing the students to quiet down as a faculty member caring a desk followed behind her and set in at the head of the row by the windows.
"Good morning class, before we begin, there will be a new student joining this class of defects today, but it's only because of his age." Chabashira-sensei stated, causing a few eye brows to raise as the teacher goes to speak again.
"Recently an American exchange student was offered a spot in this school, but do to his young age he had to be put in class D, however just because he is younger then you doesn't mean he isn't intelligent, after he scored full marks on the entrance exam at the age of 15, so being around kids 17 and older might startle him." Chabashira-sensei stated, causing a few gasps to come from around the room, before she turned to the door.
"Mr.Smith, please come in." She called out to the door, and a few seconds the door opened a little bit and an adorable white haired boy with grey eyes poked his head in, however he didn't seem to be wearing the school uniform.

The boy gulped a bit and stepped inside, as the students stare at the boy in complete loss, as he walked to the front of the class, he was wearing a baggy black hoodie with what seemed to be a leaf symbol from the popular anime 'Naruto', black jea...

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The boy gulped a bit and stepped inside, as the students stare at the boy in complete loss, as he walked to the front of the class, he was wearing a baggy black hoodie with what seemed to be a leaf symbol from the popular anime 'Naruto', black jeans, and red Timberland boots, with a pair of headphones around his neck, and a red backpack on his back.
"H-Hello everyone, I'm J-Jake, I apologize if my japanese isn't the best I'm still learning how to speak it, h-however I completely understand it." Jake said with a small bow as his eyes looked left and right, showing his obvious discomfort at being the center of attention. However Hirata stood and walked towards Jake, with a small smile on his face as Jake tensed up a bit, Hirata goes to put a hand on his shoulder, causing Jake to wince and back up a bit, something that the class noticed, he looked absolutely terrified.
"Hello Jake-kun, welcome to our class, my name is Hirata, we'll be sure to help where ever we can in getting you situated, I'll be sitting right next to you." Hirata said as Jake looked him up and down, analyzing him and letting a small shakey smile form on his face.
"Th-Thank you Hirata-nii." Jake said softly causing Hirata to smile a bit.
"O.M.G! He's so cute!" Kushida and a few girls called out, causing Jake to jump and hide behind Hirata, causing him to frown at the girls.
"I have something's I need to take care of, class get to know your new student for this homeroom and catch him up on recent events." Chabashira-sensei said, as she walked out of the room. Jake's right thumb cracked his right middle finger, as he slowly walked to his desk and set his bag under the desk after pulling out a note pad, pens, a textbook, and a bottle of water. Kushida and few others stood to introduce themselves to Jake and they walk over, being Kushida, Ike, Yamauchi, Mori, Mei-Yu, Chiaki, and Karuizawa. Jake looked up with a shy smile before looking back at Hirata who nodded in support.
"H-Hello." Jake said nervously, his fingers fidgeting.
"Awe hello sweetie, I'm Kushida we can best of friends okay?" Kushida asked, as Jake looked down and nodded, causing the group to tilt there heads.
"Hey little man I'm Ike, and this dummy next to me is Yamauchi, we'll be your teachers if you have any questions when it comes to girls." Ike said, causing a the girls in the group to glare at them, as Jake tilted his head and blinked.
"B-but if I had a q-question about girls, sh-shouldn't I ask a girl?" Jake asked, his innocence on full display causing Ike to sputter as the girls 'awe' at him.
"Ah you're so cute I'm Chiaki and this is Mori, Mei-Yu, Karuizawa, Statsuki, and Onodera." Chiaki said with a soft smile as she crouched next to his desk, causing Jake to smile a bit and relax a little.
"Whoa man, did you draw this?" Hirata asked as he looked at beautiful drawing of a mountain landscape surrounded by dense forest with a waterfall and stream.
"U-uh-huh, I l-love to draw, but adding color I'm not r-really good at." Jake said with a nod, as Hirata passed it to Kushida who wanted to see it.
"Oh wow Jake-kun, this amazing it must've taken you forever." Kushida said getting another nod from Jake as Onodera took a glimpse.
"Incredible." She simply stated, as Kushida was about to turn back a paige his eyes widened.
"W-wait!" Jake yelled causing the class to jump a bit, the desperate tone in his voice was very noticeable.
"S-sorry, b-but please d-don't look through my drawings, th-there's somethings I don't w-want people to see." Jake said, his eyes widen in fear, causing Hirata to gently take the journal back from Kushida.
"I'm sorry if I over stepped Jake-kun." Kushida said with a sad look, as Jake looked scared.
"N-no! It's okay I promise." Jake said causing a Kushida to smile.
"I see you like to listen to music Jake-kun, what's your favorite song?" Karuizawa asked, causing him adopt a thinking pose, something that the girls cued at.
"Hmm, well I love all music, b-but I've recently been l-listening to phonk music." Jake said, as Ike's eyebrows raised.
"Phonk music? I love phonk music, I like the type to drift too." Ike said, getting Jake to smile brightly, his eyes shining.
"I-I do too, although I can't really drift because I don't have a car, yah know." Jake said before blushing and hiding his face behind his hands.
"Awe he has a verbal tic! That's adorable!" Chiaki cued, as Jake's cheeks puffed up.
"I'm not adorable yah know!... Ugh!" Jake tried to defend himself only to cause his verbal tic to come out, as all the girls giggled, and a few chuckled.
"Th-this sucks." Jake said to himself, as his cheeks puffed a bit.
"Would you like to sit with us at lunch Jake-kun?" Kushida asked, as he fidgets with his hands, and nodded.
"I-if it's not to much trouble." Jake said softly, as Chiaki smiled.
"Of course not Jake-kun, and after school we'll show you around." Chiaki said, as Jake's eyes widen a bit.
"Th-that reminds me, c-can one of you g-guys help me with the understanding of the Yen currency? I was told the points system is based off Yen, so I thought I'd swallow my pride and ask instead of looking like a fool later on." Jake said, causing some to smirk at the intelligence of the boy.
"Sure little man we'll go over it really quick." Yamauchi said, as he pulled out his school given phone and opened it up, as he and everyone began to explain to the boy how it worked.

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