Chapter 8: An Idol's Little Brother

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After a few days of living with Ai, Jake was invited different things that Ai does daily, including: her choreography practice, her time with her children, ect. Jake was  proud to have an awesome older sister and two amazing kids as his niece and nephew. Jake kept in contact with his classmates and friends, everyone was in Ai's room while Ai was helping Ruby put her shoes on when the door bell rang.
"Huh? That must be the manager." Ai said, as she left with Jake following after her after telling Aqua to help his sister.
As Ai opened the door, it turned out it wasn't the manager, but a man in a black hoodie holding white roses.
"Congratulations on the twins." And Jake then saw the knife.
Jumping into action, he pulled his sister back and slapped the knife off trajectory, as he stood in front of Ai.
"Ai go to your room and lock the door!" Jake yelled, pushing her back, as the man in the hood lunged at her, only for Jake to intercept the knife, grabbing the bigger man's hands and holding it back.
"Now Ai!" Jake yelled, causing Ai to run to her to room, and slamming the door, before locking it and shoving a dresser in front of the door.
"You damn brat!" The man yelled before grabbing Jake by the throat, and slamming him into a wall harshly then the floor, as Jake's phone rang in his pocket, the slam to the floor answered the call to the group call, being everyone as his friend and classmate's study group, as the class listened to fighting.
"Ai! Do not open the door!" Jake yelled, before he slammed a knee into the man's chest, causing him to drop the knife and stumble back, the knee knocking the breath from the man's lungs.
"I will kill her!" The man screamed, before ramming Jake into the wall with his shoulder, going through the wall and going into the living room, before the man slammed Jake to the ground again.
"Fuck!" Jake yelled in pain, as he began to punch the man who getting on top of him to beat the teen down. Jake put a foot on the man's ribs and pushed him back as he rolled back to his feet, and lunged at the man with a punch to the nose with his right hand, followed up by an upper cut to the man's chin with his left, then a kick to the center mass, Spartan kicking him into the wall.
Going in for another punch, the man dodged and grabbed the back of Jake's head and slammed his head into the wall, before kneeing him in the gut, then an elbow to the back of the head.
"Oh God! What the hell is going on over there! Jake awnser me!" Kushida yelled into the phone, as the crys of pain and the sounds of fighting can be heard.
"I won't let you touch my sister!" Jake yelled, before grabbing the man's fists, and began to kick upwards into the man's face while holding the attacker in place.
Only for Jake to have his wrists grabbed and lifted up, only to be slammed through a glass table, causing a shard of glass to stab the left side of his back, causing Jake to scream in pain.

The scream of pure pain, made Ai scream as she cried into the phone with her manager, Aqua to become scared as he's on the phone with police, and Ruby to cover her mouth as she stared at the door in horror.
The class however wasn't fairing any better.
"What the fuck?! Jake?!!" Sudou yelled into the phone.
"Jake! Are you okay?!" Hirata asked worriedly.
"Oh God, are we listening to Jake-kun die right now." Chiaki said in horror, as some of the class was crying from being scared for their friend.
"You damn little brat! Everyone probably heard that scream!" The man said, before he began to punch the teen's face repeatedly, as the sounds of the fists hitting the boys flesh was all could be heard through the phone and throughout the apartment.
"Oh my God! He's killing him!" Sato screamed out covering her mouth.
"Fuck!" Sudou yelled, as he stood and threw the desk across the class. Ibuki was also listening to the call with Ryuuen and a few others from class C as they heard the agonizing scream and the sounds of a fist hitting flesh.
"Fuck Gaki." Ryuuen said in shock.
Jake was bleeding out and he knew it, but if he died here this phyco will get to Ai, he reached around himself and felt the man's knife handle, reaching a bit, the boy finally grabbed the handle, and with a scream he plunged the knife into the man's throat. Gurgling and choking on his blood, the man fell off the boy, as Jake went to his knees weakly and with another scream, the boy began to stab the man repeatedly.

(Basically Jake killing the stalker, the same way Ellie killed David.)
The apartment was silent after a minute, the only Sound was Jake wheezing as he tried to breathe.
"A-Ai? AI?!" Jake called out, before he heard the dresser moved and the door to unlock.
"Don't let the kids in here!" Jake yelled out, as Ai walked out of her room, covering her mouth, seeing the amount of blood leading from the hallway, through the hole in the wall, the blood from Jake being slammed into all, and the amount of blood all over the living room, with a stabbed Jake with blood dribbling down his chin.
"O-oh God." Ai said as she rushed to his side holding his body to hers.
"Jake, my baby brother, oh God Jake." Ai said shakily as tears streamed down her face.
"L-listen to m-me very c-carefully, I need you t-to get a kitchen knife, m-my lung is filling with blood, I need to make a hole on the b-bottom of my lung to drain the blood." Jake said as he wheezed, before Ai nervously stood and fetched him the knife he needed and came back to him.
"D-don't watch this." Jake said, causing her to turn her head as Jake stabbed himself at the bottom of his lung, allowing the blood to flow through the lung instead of filling it.
"F-fuck!" Jake cried out, in pain as he removed the knife.
"Oh Jesus!" Came the voice of Ichigo in the hallway.
"We're in here!" Ai screamed in panic, getting Ichigo to run into the room with Miyako behind him, only for her to almost pass out at the sight of the now dead body in the room.
"Miyako, go find the paramedics!" Ichigo yelled, as Miyako nodded dumbly before running out of the room.
"Jake stay with me! You stay with me!" Ichigo said, taking one of Jake's hands into his.
"I-I'm still here." Jake said weekly, Ai took the other hand as she put his head on her lap, as she looked down him, crying as tears dripped to his face.
"You idiot, it's my job to protect you!" She screamed in anger and sorrow, as she held his hand tighter.
"Th-those kids n-need there mother m-more then anyone, b-besides y-your my s-sister." Jake said weakly, as he smiled up at his sister.
"You Idiot, you better not die on me, don't you leave me!" Ai yelled, as Jake began to hear his ears ringing, as his eyes became clouded.
"A-Ai? Where'd you go?" Jake said with a scared tone, causing Ai to scream.
"I'm right here! I'm still here!" She screamed as she shook his hand.
"Ichigo? AI? This isn't f-funny." Jake said as tears streamed down his face.
"We're right here Jake I promise! Stay with me!" Ichigo yelled.
"Jake stay awake! Keep your eyes open!" Ai yelled, putting a hand to his face smacking it as she put his hand against her cheek.
"See? I'm right here." She said as cried against his hand.
"I-I'm alone again..." And with that, Jake's hand beacme limp as his eyes closed, and his heart stopped.
"Jake? Jake?! No! No No No!" Ai yelled as she put her forehead against his, and screamed to the heavens, as the paramedics ran into the room, begining CPR.
"Did he just die?" Sudou asked in shock as the sounds of a paramedic begining chest compressions.
"Oh my God." Kushida said as she covered her mouth, while tears streamed down her face.
"N-no way." Karuizawa said.
"There's just no way!" She screamed, before Hirata pulled her head into his chest, as she began to weep.
"Jake-kun, oh God this is awful." Sato said, as she began to cry with a blue haired girl as the two hugged.
"We have truama to head and face, seems like two stab wounds, a couple broken ribs, a punctured left lung, we need to get him prepped to move!" A paramedic called out to another paramedic team, that was entering the apartment. Miyako was holding Ai back by her arms, as she tried to reach her baby brother, Aqua and Ruby cracked open the door seeing what was happening as the two began to cry.
"Oh God, Jake-oji!" Ruby wailed, gaining the attention of the adults, before Ai ran into the room and closed it, before she held her children.
"Don't look baby! Don't look!" Ai screamed as she covered there eyes, while Ai held them close to her.
"Please God, don't take him from me! Please don't do this!" Ai prayed, as she cried and rocked her children.
"We have a pulse!"

(WOW! Three chapters back to back?! And also out to you guys who's been reading this, please pass it on to your friend's and family! I hope you guys enjoy the Oshi No Ko crossover with COTE. I promise Jake didn't die, but I felt like I should add a bit drama and action to the story. I know this was short, but please don't be scared to give your input and ideas for chapters, just know I'm only using the COTE characters and Oshi No Ko characters. I love you guys and thanks for reading!"

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