Chapter 5: Studies And Exams

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After class, Hirata and Kushida made an announcement about the study group, causing everyone to agree, as Kushida passed out some sample tests from last year, causing the class to praise and thank her. Jake jumps up to his feet, and puts on his bag as he begins to jog out the door before passing Hirata the key card to his room.
"I'll meet you all there, make yourselves at home, the fridge is open to everyone." Jake said as he runs out of the classroom, and down the stairs, dodging and slipping between people before entering the boy's locker room, and going to his locker putting on the out fit he had this morning: Black ripped jeans, red Timberland boots, a black skin tight workout shirt, and his baggy hoodie, as he slips his uniform in the suit bag, before pulling out his phone and texting Fuka.
J: "Hey Fuka-sempai, you wanted me to text you. If you want, I'm leaving the school right now to head to the convenient store by the dorms, if you want to meet me there." Jake sent the message as he began to leave the school, walking the path to the convenient store before his phone dings, causing him to pull out his phone from his hoodie pocket.
F: "Sure Kouhi-kun, I'll meet you there."
After reading the message he sent a thumbs up emoji, before putting on his headphones and continued his walk as he listened to music.
Arriving at the convenient store, he spotted Fuka sitting on the bench outside of the side of the store, as he approached he lowered his headphones to hang around his neck.
"Hello Kouhi-kun, glad you could meet up with me." Fuka said as she stood, as she watched Jake come closer.
"Yeah well, I can't keep lady waiting now can I?" I asked as I walk into the store, getting her to giggle a bit.
"I suppose you're right, however shouldn't you be studying?" Fuka asked as Jake grabbed a basket and began to browse the isles.
"Yeah I am, but I'm getting snacks right now for my class's study session today." Jake said grabbing a few items from the shelves, as he continued to walk.
"Oh, so you plan on spoiling your class hm?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, getting Jake to shrug.
"If you wanna call it that, go ahead." He said as grabbed a few more items, before going to the drinks and frowning.
"What's wrong Kouhi-kun?" She asked, seeing the frown on his face.
"I'm not gonna be able to carry all of this." He said as he tries to figure out a plan.
"I'll help you carry your stuff to your room, but on one condition." She said with a smirk, getting Jake to feel a shiver go down his spine.
"And what might that be?" He asked.
"You have to take me on a date." She said with a smirk, causing Jake to suddenly blush brightly and starts to speak but no real words leave his mouth.
"I- he- uh- mm- what?" He asked, completely flabbergasted at the older teen's request.
"You heard me gaki." She said, getting Jake to turn to an even darker red.
"O-Okay." Jake stuttered out with a nod, causing her to lick her lips.
"You're so adorable when you're flushed." She said as the two go to the check out counter, Jake pays for the snacks and drinks as he carries 6 bags and Fuka carries 3.
Arriving at the dorms, Jake and Fuka entered the elevator that took them up to the ninth floor. Apon the elevator door opening, the girls in the hallway where at least clothed this time causing Jake to sigh in relief.
"Oh it's cutie-kun."
"Hi cutie."
"Fuka-sempai with cutie? That's an odd duo."
As Jake blushed and waved at them before arriving at his room, he spots the class standing outside his door, all in casual clothes, as the class spots the two carrying groceries.
"I thought all of you would've gone in by now." Jake said as he approached, getting Kushida to smile.
"Well we all wanted to go change first, and meet up outside your room, we all just arrived." Hirata said, causing Jake to shrug before Hirata used Jake's key card to open the door, letting Jake walk in followed by Fuka as the two put the groceries on his table in the kitchen area, as Fuka and those who never been in his room stare in shock at the size.
"Okay, what the fuck." Akito said upon entering the room, causing Jake to shrug.
"Don't know, but I think it's because I'm from the States they made my room to look like my old bedroom, mixed with a kitchen and bathroom." Jake said as he starts to put away food, as Kushida approached him.
"Need help Jake-kun?" She asked, getting Jake to smile but shake his head.
"Nah I got it, why don't you go make yourself at home while I do this, oh and try to keep an eye on the three idiots." Jake said causing Kushida to smile and nod before leaving the kitchen.
"So Kouhi-kun, I'll see you tomorrow night 8 o'clock?" Fuka asked, getting Jake to blush brightly again and nod.
"S-sure Fuka-sempai, meet at the same place?" He asked getting her to nod, before leaning in and kissing his cheek, not realizing that Ike and Yamauchi saw the whole the thing, before they run back into the sitting area.
"Bye Jake-kun~." She said before leaving the dorm, as Jake put both hands on the counter and lowered his head as his knees buckled a bit.
"Ugh why does this woman's voice turn my legs into Jell-O?!" Jake thought as he let out a shakey sigh ,before wiping his hand down his face, and grabbing a few boxes of Pocki and a Monster energy drink before entering the sitting room and taking a seat. Looking up he caught the class staring at him, as he raised an eyebrow.
"So Jake-kun, how was that kiss from Fuka-sempai?" Yamauchi asked, getting Jake's eyes to widen and blush brightly.
"Wha- you- psh I- oh whatever." Jake said as he looked down at his feet, as his left leg began to bounce.
"Awe come on guys, leave him alone it was just on the cheek." Kushida said, before leaning in and kissing Jake's other cheek, causing the boy to blush brighter, as the pervs of the class gaped.
"K-Kushi-nii!" Jake yelled embarrassedly, as he jumped out of his seat causing Kushida to giggle.
"Oh you don't have to pretend you didn't like it " Kushida teased, as Jake tried to find words, before suddenly there was a ringing from across the room coming from his desk, gaining the classes attention as Jake walked over to sat phone seeing it was a private number, before looking back seeing a few tell him to put it on speaker. Awnsering the phone and putting it on speaker, Jake spoke.
"Hello?" Jake asked, before the voice he dreaded to hear responded him.
"Hello my darling son." The voice of his mother replied, causing his face to pale as his eyes watered up a bit in fear.
"M-mother? How'd you get this number?" Jake asked, the fear in his voice evident as Kushida walked over and started to rub his back.
"A mother has her ways, after all you just left without saying goodbye to your mommy, now I hear that you inrolled in a school in Japan." She said, as Jake tensed and gasped.
"Cat got your tongue?" She asked as Jake gulped and opened his mouth to awnser, before he was interupted.
"At least sound happy to hear from me you little shit!" She roared into the phone, causing a few of his classmates to flinch as other get pissed off.
"R-right mother! I'm so happy to hear from you, h-how are you!" Jake asked faking a happy tone as he shook in fear, as Sudo goes to step forward, Ayanokoji held him back.
"That's better my little pet, now tell mommy where you are right now." She said as Jake bit his lip, before awnsering.
"I-I'm in my dorm, st-studying." Jake said softly, get the woman to let out a purr from her throat over the phone.
"Oh? Such a good boy, studying so hard when mommy comes to get you I'll have to punish you, you know." She said, as tears begin to stream down his face, his body shaking.
"M-mommy p-please no, I-I -" Jake choked back sob and swollowed.
"Oh, now now, I'll be sure you enjoy it too, you know I do." She said with another purr in her voice, as Jake's hands began to shake.
"Well I'll let you get back to your studying, enjoy it while you can Jakeybear~, I'll be getting on the first flight to Japan in the next few days, I'll have to pull some strings, but don't you worry, you'll see mommy very soon. Tah-Tah!" She said before ending the call, as Jake stared at his phone before letting out a pure scream of pain and agony, causing the class to step back a bit.

The pure agony and pain his scream was absolutely heart breaking to the class, even Ayanokoji felt something causing him to gently grab his chest. Karuizawa, Hirata, Sudo, Chiaki, and Sato ran to Jake's and Kushida's side, as Jake continued to cry and scream, his voice muffled by the ground.
"Please tell me someone recorded that." Horikita said, as Ayanokoji showed his phone, along with Chiaki showing the recording.
"Guys he passed out, sh-should we take him to the nurse?" Kushida asked, as she laid him against her.
"No, the nurse can't really do anything about a mental condition, however we should let Chabashira-sensei know." Horikita said, as Ayanokoji went to his contacts and began to dial a number.
"You have Chabashira-sensei's number?" Horikita asked.
"No, I'm calling the student council president." Ayanokoji said, as Horikita let a soft gasp escape her lips before nodding.
"No one leave, the student council will want to speak to everyone." Horikita said, before the class nodded while Sudo lifted up the small teen and laid him on his bed gently.
After awhile of talking amongst themselves, there was a knock on the door as Ayanokoji and Hirata opened the door, showing someone they weren't expecting.
"Ibuki-san?" Hirata asked, surprised to see the blue haired girl.
"Hey is Jake-kun busy? I was wondering if he wanted to hangout with me, is everything okay?" She asked, as Hirata and Ayanokoji stepped aside allowing her entry.
"What is she doing here?" Horikita asked, as she put her hands on her hips.
"I came to see if Jake-kun wanted to hangout, but I see he's busy." Ibuki said, as Horikita sighed and motioned her head to the back where the rest of the class was.
As she walked back there Ibuki gasped as she spotted Jake's unconscious form, with a bit of blood trickling down from his nose, as Kushida whipped his nose.
"What happened?" Ibuki asked, as Kushida responded.
"He had a call from his... Disgusting mother, triggering a PTSD attack, and here we are, now we're just waiting on the student council, and Chabashira-sensei." Kushida said, as Ibuki's eyes softened a bit.
"I'll stay, but I better let Ryuuen know." Ibuki said, pulling out her phone and calling her class leader.
Shortly after, there was another knock on the door, showing the school council president Manabu Horikita, his secretary, and Chabashira-sensei, entering the room they notice the new exchange student passed out with blood dripping from his nose.
"Anyone wants to tell us what happened here?" Chabashira-sensei asked, as Horikita stepped forward explaining the whole situation, from the time at school to now.
"I-I see." She said, her eyes widen as Manabu stepped forward, adjusting his glasses.
"That's quite the claim, and you said you have two separate recordings of the whole conversation?" Manabu asked, getting Ayanokoji and Chiaki to hold up there phones with the recording file visible.
"Play it." He said, as he took a seat at the desk, admiring his set up before Ayanokoji and Chiaki stepped forward, as Manabu listened to Ayanokoji's first, before listening to Chiaki's who's recording also had Jake's bloodcurdling scream at the end.
"Disgusting." Said Akane, as Chabashira-sensei nodded with a frown on her face.
"We have to bring this to the attention of the headmaster, this is out of my capabilities." Manabu said, before sighing and rubbing his eyes from under his glasses.
"Class, go to your own dorms." Chabashira-sensei said, before Kushida stepped forward.
"Excuse me Chabashira-sensei, but shouldn't one of us stay with him? What if he has a nightmare, or another attack?" She asked, as Chabashira sighed and nodded.
"Okay then, who's willing to stay here with the Jake?" Chabashira-sensei asked, causing a few hands to raise, before she groans.
"Look you guys take care of deciding how you all want to do it, Manabu, Akane, we're leaving." Chabashira-sensei said before leaving the dorm, followed by the two student council reps.
"For those who don't want to stay, I don't blame you, but for those who do stay here." Sudo said, as the class begins to leave, leaving Kushida, Sudo, Hirata, Karuizawa, Sato, Ibuki, Chiaki, and Ayanokoji.
"Okay guys, since the couches are big enough to hold us all, I think one of us will stay while the rest of us gets our blankets and pillows." Hirata said, before Chiaki raised her hand.
"Let me go first, my room is right next door, and I can run and grab what I need." Chiaki said, getting the others to nod before she runs out of the room.
"So do you guys think he'll be okay?" Sudo asked from his spot on the wall, looking over Jake.
"Yeah it'll just take awhile before he wakes up."  Ayanokoji said, as Jake flinched a bit in his sleep, causing Kushida to frown, before kissing his forehead.

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