Chapter 33: The Prince's return

Start from the beginning

Power sources are woven into the essence of their wielder. They were tied to each other inexplicably.

Perhaps that was why he couldn't stand to be away from his princess, her breath was his life force. It fuelled him.

If commanding the ocean was his birthright, then she was his destiny.

His senses sang with rage as he felt her blood spilt into his domain. He knew it instinctively...she was hurt. She was injured. It was his fault. This war was raging because of him.

His thoughts formed before he had a chance to regain his composure, the ocean heeding his command as he flexed his fingertips.

Soldiers at the base camp were swept up in invisible cages, the general included, being carried up to the surface by a torrent. Screams were muffled within the water.

To any onlookers, his face was thunderous. Green eyes betraying the depths of his rage.

"Perseus," a voice sounded from behind him.

He whipped around to find his father, a look of pure confusion on his face, "my son..."

"Father," Percy bowed, averting his eyes. How could he face his father after everything?

" were chosen. You found your power source," he stated, posing it as a question. Poseidon clutched his trident closer, an echo of the king's power.

"I have, father," he admitted.

"That princess...the one you used to dream about. She's the reason you went on land? The source of your power?" he asked.

Percy nodded, "Yet she is much more than that. She's the ruler the world needs..."


"Father, let me speak, please," Percy interrupted, raising his head, "This war was disastrous. The rift between land and's unfounded. How can we allow our people to be hated and hated so brazenly? It's wrong. I refuse to allow such...fear to fester between our realms. My princess deserves to be celebrated across the world, not heralded as a monster within my own home. Our kingdoms deserve harmony, our children deserve peace."

"I agree," Poseidon smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he looked at his son, "The late queen Athena agreed with me as well...unfortunately...our treaty died with her. And her sister did not share the same sentiments."

"That is not a reason for war."

"I didn't sanction the war, Percy. My words were twisted. Queen Minerva has made it her quest to destroy my throne or....should I say your throne?"

"What?" Percy blinked, taken aback.

Poseidon cupped his son's cheeks, pride shining within his eyes, "The ocean chose you, Percy. It's time for you to fulfil your destiny," he handed him his mighty trident with a sad smile.

The object felt foreign in Percy's hand, he seemed small compared to its massive size

"Stop the war, son. Honour the late queen's treaty. Heal the world," his father whispered.


"It seems your betrothal to the princess was foretold by the stars," Poseidon chuckled, "Athena did truly, always have a plan."

"Father I...cannot," he pushed the trident forward. How could he wield the symbol of his father's status? Could he bear that responsibility?

"You are my son, there is nothing you cannot do," Poseidon smiled, placing an arm on the boy's shoulder, "Today, I heard you speak like a true king. You are ready, the sea is never wrong."

Percy took a deep breath, clutching tightly onto the gold trident before him. He...might not be ready, but he promised his princess he would stop the war and that he would return to her side. In his hands, he held the tool to ensure it happened, and he would not take that for granted.

After all, her blood was still in his home.

Percy nodded, thanking his father. Holding his trident, he rose to the surface.

The horizon shimmered before him, and screams and metals echoed across it. He saw the humans he'd befriended as he'd learnt to be a combatant. Behind him stood the brethren he'd grown up with, the soldiers who taught him how to wield a sword.

His eyes searched desperately for his princess, yet there was no sight of her. He could feel her presence, distant yet close.

Blood pounded in his ears as the brutality continued, a rampage of blood on his ocean's shores. How could it come to this? How much longer could he allow his homes to be at war? To fear each other?

This had to stop now.

Percy's eyes shut tight with concentration as he raised his arms high above himself, a wall of water, rippling waves emerged from below him. It birthed a wall, a creation of raw power as it tore through the ocean shore. A barrier between land and sea, to prevent any more damage.

His army turned towards him, some shivering in fright. They had never seen their crown prince like this, shining as if he were a God himself.

The prince of the seven seas' stood atop the massive tidal wave, green eyes betraying the depths of his rage. The world seemed to still as he spoke, raw power rolling off of him in waves. The earth seemed to quake in anticipation.

"I am Prince Perseus, the sea bows to me," Percy's voice boomed, rich and velvety as he raised the trident high above his head, "I ask only one thing of all of you, ceasefire

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"I am Prince Perseus, the sea bows to me," Percy's voice boomed, rich and velvety as he raised the trident high above his head, "I ask only one thing of all of you, ceasefire."


Apoligies for the late update people! I was having major writer's block with this chapter- so that's why it turned out this crappy XD

There's like 3ish chapters left so...grab some popcorn I guess? Or maybe a water bottle makes more sense.

(Posted 2/2/24- 12:24am)

Stay tuned!!

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