Chapter 19: The Banquet

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It took Percy a while to dawn his allocated suit, fiddling with the buttons and vests for almost an hour until a passing maid took a singular glance at him. With all the pity she could muster, she helped the boy Into his suit, which he realised afterwards, he had worn wrong before.

He waited for the princess to arrive in the main hall, as the maid instructed him to do.

The woman, who did not seem to be very old, was named Hestia. She has taken a liking to the young prince, offering him a variety of handmade desserts for dinner should he like it.

As Percy watched his princess walk towards him, his heart as usual, began to propel itself into something resembling jet stream.

"Thank you for accompanying me to the banquet....I fear I might throw my cutlery at the kings head if I do not have you by my side," she said by way of greeting, smoothing out her

She seemed distant as she neared him, her ever calculating eyes were glazed, like how twinkling stars reflect on a muddy copper pan, they shone, but seemed dim and lifeless.

She seemed distant as she neared him, her ever calculating eyes were glazed, like how twinkling stars reflect on a muddy copper pan, they shone, but seemed dim and lifeless

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She had told him about the confusion that her visit stirred up over their morning breakfast, muttering underneath her breath as she drank her soup.

The prince of the seven seas did not know much about the politics of her world....or much about it in general.

However he knew one thing, as did his princess. A distraction was never a good sign.

The young royals of Olympus were also being lead on this wild octopus chase....which meant that only a powerful figure be behind this.

Though the question was....who were they, and what are their motives?

"The carriage has arrived.....let us depart," said the princess, turning towards the door as she headed out. Her feet were slower than usual.

The boy followed diligently, as he always did until they reached a magnificent palace.

The marble structure that seemed to touch the sky, rimmed with gold on every window and crevice.

The Merman and the Princess  •A Percabeth AU•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang