Chapter 13: A sea of monsters

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Your footwork needs some work," Annabeth noted as the boy bested his opponent, "The only reason you got that cut is because you were too slow at withdrawing over there"

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Your footwork needs some work," Annabeth noted as the boy bested his opponent, "The only reason you got that cut is because you were too slow at withdrawing over there"

The princess copied his earlier motion, dismissing the sparing partner and taking his place

"Now, begin," she nodded, allowing herself to be swept up within the dance of warfare.

She sparred as she watched the boy, his face tight with concentration as he swung the sword towards her, careful to cause no injury.

He looked so handsome, that Annabeth's heart sped, not from the adrenaline that coursed through her veins, but from feelings she couldn't still decipher

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

He looked so handsome, that Annabeth's heart sped, not from the adrenaline that coursed through her veins, but from feelings she couldn't still decipher.

She'd felt almost upset as she bested him, flinching at the clangorous sound as his sword collided with the ground.

She watched the gaggle of court-maidens swoon as he lost, whispering among themselves as they cast him amorous looks.

They wouldn't attempt anything, especially with their princess there, but it still set something off inside Annabeth.

"You see?" she explained, annoyed at the intrusion. She paused, shaking her head as she returned to her position.

"You know what? You shall learn as you practice, pick up your sword again," she almost commanded, surprised at the bite in her own voice.

The boy looked confused as well, but he continued to spar with her.

And like the princess of Athens originally hoped, before she was distracted by the raven haired boy, a large crowd had gathered to watch her spar.

She eventually let him go, allowing the dozen maidens to sink their manicured claws into him as she thrust her frustration into all the soldiers who were brave enough to accept her challenge.

The crowd oohed and aahed at their princess's valour, watching her skill with the utmost respect.

They cheered her every move, the populous soon filling up the entire arena.

Annabeth looked at the boy from the corner of her eye, only to find him being surrounded by a crowd of delightfully beautiful women.

It snapped something within the princess, who had already had a horrible day.

"I think you have rested quite enough," she said, pointing her sword towards the boy, "lets go another round"

The boy seemed to want to say something.....but he couldn't.

Instead, he gave her a light nod, taking up his sword as he made his way towards her.

Annabeth wasted no time taking the offensive, much to the boy's astonishment. She thrust her sword harder than what was required, her blatant jealousy fueling her further.

She knew she should stop, lest she genuinely hurt the boy. But once she heard the group of maidens silently cheering from their perch, she seemed to have lost her self control.

She flung her sword forward, in one fluid motion, disarming the boy. He fell to his knees, his face a thing of pain.

Light gasps filled the air

It took her a second to realise what she had done. She has drawn blood.

"I...I am so sorry!" she apologised, calling to her knees beside him, not caring about the crowd gathered, "I...are you?...oh Hera"

The people around stirred uncontrollably, making a pathway towards the princess.

"You're majesty, the Queen requests your presence," a haughty soldier bowed as he ran through the crowds towards Annabeth, "immediately"

Annabeth cursed silently.

She could not challenge her aunt's authority right now, she was not yet strong enough.

Yet she didn't not want to leave the boy's side.

She took a deep breath, willing herself forward, forcing her feet to move.

"Return him to his chambers," Annabeth ordered one of her guards, before dusting herself off, "And have a physician see him immediately"

She raced through the crowds, offering a hasty smile towards the curtsy's.

In turned out, Queen Minerva was not happy to see her beloved niece.

"And you smell like a commoner, and your hair! Why this is not how a lady should behave!" she screeched for the 60th time, earning a grimace from Prince Malcolm as well.

"I am quite sorry," Annabeth curtsied again, trying her hardest to get dismissed.

What did this shrivelled husk of a woman want from her?

Her aunt tsked, a look of disdain on her features, "Be of some worth, you useless thing. Those ocean pests have all but declared war. I need you to bring us defences from the kingdom of Zeus."

"What on earth are you talking about?," Annabeth replied, immediately biting her own tongue

Her insolence could get her in trouble. But it wouldn't be the first time.

"What her Majesty is saying is," Malcolm interjected immediately, cautioning his sister with wide eyes, "Our spies have picked up on war preparations among the merfolk. We must be prepared to retaliate and protect ourselves," he finished.

Malcolm flashed the queen a winning smile, dipping his head.

He was always her favourite, Annabeth thought, watching her aunt be placated

"We must prepare for war! We must strike first! As my dear sister would have desired!" Queen Minerva shouted, slamming a fist on her throne.

Annabeth's blood boiled at the mention of her late mother.


Queen Athena was a creature of diplomacy. She would do everything in her power to avoid war. And If that was not possible, she would return with her opponent's head on a spike.

Every inch the Queen Annabeth desired to be.

The court erupted in cheers, everyone slamming their own fists to their chairs.

Annabeth took the moment to slip next to her brother, squeezing his arm as a show of support.

"Thankyou," she whispered to Malcom, who was looking quite pale.

He was her anchor in this sea of monsters her aunt deemed her court. Her eyes and ears, her most trusted friend.

"Do not thank me yet, sister," Malcom whispered back, his eyes scanning the court, "Your war has just begun."

"Athena always wins," she replied, watching the sun melt into the ocean through the window.

Athena had to win.


Any suggestions for the story?

Sorry for the late updates

Stay tuned!!

The Merman and the Princess  •A Percabeth AU•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें