Chapter 3: A secret revealed

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He'd finally met his mystery girl when she was conscious and alive. Her voice was enough to temporarily stop his bodily aches, and as if he had been in a trance, he followed her all the way to her palace. She was more beautiful than he ever imagined, an ambrosia in this new world.

And her eyes....still that same hue of gray, as dazzling as a storm.

She was also extremely smart in his eyes, and very capable of running a kingdom. She'd immobilised every one so quickly once she found him to make sure he was alright.
She was definitely a very wise girl.

The prince of the seven sea's was wholly and utterly tired when lady sleep took him into her embrace. His limbs had ached and throbbed with every step he had taken on the surface the day prior.

He was fatigued in bed as his thoughts about her surfaced. She didnt seem evil, he thought.
He was bedridden in their weird contraption, but it kept him comfortable so he allowed it to keep him warm.

He still had to get used to this new human body of his, each breath he took was laxing. His motions were not as fluid anymore and he couldn't glide across these marble floors with ease. It was rather peculiar for him.

Especially with the human prince who's name was Malcolm, pacing around the room back and forth.
Percy wanted to call out to him, ask him he was okay. But when he opened his mouth, not decibel of sound came out.

It seemed sound was not required as Malcolm's head whipped back, to where Percy lay.

"Good. You're awake," he said, stalking towards him.

The prince has blonde hair, just like Annabeth. Her gray eyes too. But that's where the similarities stopped.

Percy nodded, unsure of what other action to perform in this scenario. So he just stared at the prince.

He noted how all the nearby windows and doors were bolted shut, a habit his father had before lecturing him.

"I need you to tell me something, and be completely honest. You're life could be in danger," Malcom whispered to Percy, his eyes widening as he did so.

Percy's heart beat faster. His breathing came hard to him as he nodded his head. What could it be?

"You're a merman, aren't you ? One of the underwater folk?" he asked him.

Percy never knew this feeling of paranoia was possible, or the way his heart just stopped for a fraction of a second.

The young prince didn't know what to say. So he shook his head in a feeble attempt to lie.

"Look," Malcom said, sighing, "I give you my word to help you. You'll be in danger If my aunty ever finds out. And I've seen you're the one who saved my sister," he said.

Percy just blinked at him. There was no one on the beach as he recalled. Was the prince lying?
At least he didn't know how true identity. Or Percy would surely be dead.

"I don't believe we should be at war with the merfolk. Those are my aunty's policies. And neither does my sister," the prince went on, seemingly adamant on getting an answer."

"I was on the beach, the day my sister washed to shore and how some of her other crewmates later did too. I was hiding behind a rock, I had a particularly bad day that day," the blond prince recalled. He shook his head.

"I do not forget faces. And I know you are the one I saw. So trust me when I say, let me help you. I owe you a debt for saving my sister, let me repay it," Malcom urged, "And besides. You cannot walk without your legs shivering. Or hold a fork and spoon to eat a meal. Let me teach you."

Percy looked at the prince carefully, asseing his stance. He agreed with prince Malcom when he said that the earth people and merfolk shouldn't be at war. And he believed him.

"Always give people one chance, to try and do you right. Trust is the foundation for everything," his mother once told him when he was five moons old, still under her care and hidden from the world.

Percy was alone in this new world. And escape would be an easy feat for him. All he had to do was call for the ocean when the time came, and it would rush to its prince's aid.

If anybody tried to kill him, Percy was more than capable of smiting them. Or atleast, he was sure he was. He'd never called to the ocean before.

This was the reasoning he has when he slowly nodded, extending an arm of friendship to the prince.

Prince Malcom beamed as he shook it, "Now get up. We have work to do," he instructed.

And that's how the two prince's began their work. Slowly teaching Percy how to fit into human society over the course of the next three days. And soon, Percy found himself glad to have trusted Prince Malcom.


Why do I not remember days ?!
Thank you @amidst_tales
for reminding me that it's Thursday 😭's a new chapter.
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(Posted 24th feb 22, 12:44pm)

Stay tuned !!

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