Chapter 27: Glittering Jewels

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The waves lapped against the massive vessel, rocking in a beckoning taunt.

The moon's eternal rays splayed across the wooden room, illuminating the shelves of books and rows of maps. A singular sofa was pressed against a wall, a bed built a few steps away from it.

The heir to the seas held on tightly to the princess's arm, claiming it as if were a buoy in a turbulent storm.

He had truly tried to steady his breathing as they climbed aboard the massive ship, under the cover of the full moon.

It lulled unsteadily under his feet, and he held onto the railing for dear life as members around him arrived on board as well.

It was electrifying being among the waves, each one at his beck and call. Yet, a deeper part of him was terrified....a single drop of water could tear him away from his princess...

When he was younger, he had a deep fear of drowning. He would not fall asleep unless his mother hugged him until he eventually drifted into slumber.

It was a point of contention between him and his father. How could the son of the sea king have a fear of drowning?

But now...the only way the prince of the seven seas could drown was alone. The ocean's mysterious words or its deep, cavernous waters could not frighten him. He would gladly let the sea take him if he could see his princess's eyes one last time.

She kept him afloat, lit his soul with an unquenchable fire. Without her, he would drown to such depths, that his body would be mere grain before he was found.

"It's's alright," Annabeth whispered, her arm wrapped securely around his waist as they staggered into the captain's quarters.

"Come on, let's sit down," she whispered, leading him to the sofa, grounding him. She calmed his rapid heartbeat.

She placed cupped his cheek, placing her forehead against his.

"Listen to my will be okay," she breathed, placing her other hand on his chest, feeling the palpitations of his heart.

Percy took a deep breath, his eyes fluttering shut. He did all he could to shut out the thunderous roar of the ocean....of his princess's tantalising touch.

He leaned forward, gently pressing his lips to hers. He willed the world to calm around him as he tangled his fingers in her golden locks. He held her in pure awe, and she reciprocated in kind.

When he pulled back, he could not breathe. And that was fine with him.

 And that was fine with him

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