Chapter 33: The Prince's return

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Pain pierced through Percy's being as he collided with the sea, its tempestuous waters wrapping around him as his legs gave way to a familiar tail.

He blinked his eyes open, watching his blurry vision dissipate to reveal his home. The water greeted him like an old friend, and he allowed himself a moment to revel in his familiarity.

That moment passed in an instant as the pain subsided. Percy shot through the ocean. He grew up in the military base, he could find it with his eyes closed.

He instantly found himself in the belly of his army.  Below him, Merman soldiers moved about, arming themselves with projectiles. He could see the foragers at work, keeping their artillery loaded.

"Stop this," he shouted as he inched closer, voice booming across the waters, albeit coarse. It was shocking to hear himself after so long.

The base grew thick with whispers and tension. The apprehension of his soldiers was evident.Of course. The prince had returned to the sea.

Through the hubbub of chaos that plagued the army at his return, emerged a figure moving at rapid speed.

"Your Highness," the general swam towards him, giving a light bow, "I-"

"Ceasefire, commander," Percy said, not giving him a chance to speak. He could hear the urgency in the general's tone, the anxiety in his posture. But right now, that was not his concern.

This war had to be thwarted, it began due to him and the responsibility of stopping it rested solely atop his shoulders.

He'd always hated bloodshed, a sentiment drilled into him as a prince. His job was to protect his subjects and guard the ocean to the best of his ability. Putting them in harm's way was not correct. He would not stand for this.

The trusted him. He must have passed its test. The incessant voices had ceased in his mind, allowing him to speak directly to the sea seamlessly.

It was different now, as opposed to when he was on land. Something changed the second he set foot back in the ocean. It burnt through him, raw, unadulterated might. It melted into his was within him now. The ocean was now his. And he was his princess's.

"I..I cannot, your highness. The king commanded us to-"

"And I'm commanding you to stop," he replied, raising his brows, "If this war was waged for me, I have authority to stop it."


A sudden, strange feeling overtook Percy. His blood tingled, goosebumps erupting across his flesh as his senses. He could sense every inch of the ocean, every living being within it. But now, rage was all that he could feel, as his senses were flooded with a twinge of iron.

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