Chapter 27 part 1

Start from the beginning

Matias, though his eyes had been glued to the screen, glanced back at Samuel as well.

"We can stop it whenever we need" Samuel finalized, sounding like he was speaking to himself rather than to Matias.

Matias nodded nonetheless, turning back to the TV anxiously.

The second it was unpaused chaos set in. The news reporter was almost yelling with panic and the cameras kept shifting angles, trying to get a clear image through the smoke.

"An explosion went off just over five minutes ago on Greenlake! We aren't sure of the cause but we are certain it is a danger and everyone must stay away!" The man shouted, his voice shaky and unprofessional.

Matias, for what was the first time in a while, began to think how everyone else felt in the moment. There were people with family out on Greenlake who didn't know what was going on. There were people near Greenlake who must've seen the smoke. Their confusion and fear must've been like nothing they had experienced before.

"We have cameras on the scene trying to pick up anything we can see. The smoke is beginning to clear and the scene should be clearer in just a few minutes" the reporter went on, seeming to say anything he could come up with to fill the silence.

Samuel leaned back beside him, pushing himself further into the couch.

"This must've been before I found the new villain. There would be less smoke and more noise otherwise" Samuel mumbled so quiet Matias barely heard him.

"I didn't notice any cameras before then" Matias responded, sounding quiet himself.

"Me neither" Samuel continued to whisper, "but I guess I was kind of distracted at the time"

Matias nodded, his eyes staying locked onto the screen. The last thing he wanted was to relive the panic he felt while wandering through those alleys.

The broadcast finally cut to a clearer image of the new villain, standing in the middle of the now thin dust. She had her deep red strings of power slinging out from her back and was dressed in her full black suit and mask.

Matias heard Samuel let out a suffocated breath, followed by a quiet gasp for air.

Before he knew what he was doing Matias had reached over and laid a hand of Samuels leg, rubbing his thumb back and forth slowly.

As he snapped into reality and was about to pull his hand back, he felt another hand lay its self on top of his.

Matias just barely glanced over, seeing Samuels shaky hand holding Matias's on his leg.

"The hero is there!" The man shouted louder than before, making Matias flinch and turn his attention back to the television.

From one of the helicopters cameras was a video of Samuel standing wobbly in front of the new villain, his mask covering his face and disguising him as "the hero".

"We are still unsure of what exactly happened or why any of this is going on. The hero is our last hope!" He reporter babbled on, seeming to speak out of his own ass. Matias thought, at least.

The screen suddenly froze, displaying Samuel still standing facing towards the new villain.

Beside him Samuel sat frozen just as still as on the screen. His hand held the remote, pointed right at the TV, his thumb still on the pause button.

The hand that was on top of Matias's stopped shaking. It was scarily still, to the point of Matias getting concerned.

"Samuel," Matias began, his voice sounding unsure.

Samuel finally moved, shaking his head from one side to the other.

"I can watch it. I can." His voice faltered. "I just.. need a second"

Matias watched as Samuel sat down the remote and hunched down over his knees, squeezing Matias's hand as he did so.

"We don't have to watch it now, Samuel" Matias comforted, but got no response.

He squeezed Samuels leg slightly, waiting for him to recover.

He waited for at least five minutes, unsure of what to do. He managed to regulate his own breathing and checked to make sure Ellie was still asleep and unable to see her father in this position.

When Samuel finally sat up he did so slowly and silently. His hand lifted off of Matias's and grabbed onto his stomach where his injury was.

"I just going to take Ellie to bed. Then I can watch it" he looked up at Matias desperately as if asking if he was allowed to do it.

"Should you be carrying her? With your stomach and all?" Matias asked, concern wrapping itself around his voice.

Samuel nodded, standing up from the couch and reaching over towards his daughter.

Matias noticed him wincing as he did so, clearly trying to hide it. Before he knew it he was standing and shooing Samuel away.

"I'll carry her. You really need to rest your stomach" he offered, knowing he wouldn't allow Samuel to protest.

Samuel scoffed, but still looked grateful.

Matias lifted Ellie gently off the couch, careful not to wake her, and walked as smoothly as he could to her room with Samuel right on his heels.

He slowly lowered her down onto her bed, stalling a bit to save Samuel more time before having to watch the news. Once she was laid across her bed Samuel bent over, kissing her on he forehead, before turning back to Matias.

"Let's go" he suggested, already making his way back to the living room.

"You sure?" Matias asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

Samuel stopped dead in his tracks and spun around to face Matias.

"Positive" he finalized, turning on his heels and speed walking to the couch.

Despite getting there before Matias, he stood until Matias sat first.

"We don't have to" Matias tried once more.

Samuel gave no response. He sat down next to Matias, so close their hips and elbows touched, and grabbed the remote.

"We're going to"


Wattpad wouldn't let me use the formatting so no italics or anything. Hope you enjoyed!

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