Chapter Thirty-Four

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Brady have been dating for about three months now. Mia and Ryan are going strong. Josh is a single Pringle as ever. Conner is apparently talking to this girl. And finally Brant has a new girlfriend named Julia, who he treats just right. Everything is going great.

Tonight Brady is taking me to some party at his friend's house. He seemed pretty excited about it, so am I. Every party we have gone to since we started dating have been where he was a party animal and I stayed in the corner. I was good with it though. I always enjoyed seeing him have so much fun. I had fun in the corner too. I got to watch and observe. I could get outgoing sometimes. Every time he always comes and checks on me every like twenty minutes. It is really sweet. He always does this and I always tell him to go have fun.

Brady walked over to my house and walked me to his car. He seemed a bit like he wasn't as excited like he was earlier. But I didn't question it. He was probably going to go there and have fun.

We went over to the party and parted ways like usual. I showed him where I would be and vice versa. I silently watched everyone and saw Brady with everyone. He looked like he was not having it. He is usually the life of the party, but he looked like quite the opposite. I'm not sure why though, I decided to let it be. About fifteen minutes after my brief observation and thirty minutes after we arrived, he walked over all dull.

"Ady, can we go?"
"Oh yeah sure, if you would like."

We left and went to the car. "Are we going home now?" I asked.
"No, we can still go out and stuff, I kinda just didn't  be there anymore."
"Why not?"
"I kinda just wanted to have a more relaxed night after the stress of this week. But all the group wanted me to go and you seemed a little excited so you know."
"Brady you should have said something about a more relaxed evening. I am so good at relaxing and not partying. What do you think we should do?"
"I'm not sure, what do you think?"
"We could go bowling or something. Would you be up for that?"
"Sure! I actually love bowling so like." Brady said with a wide smile.

We drove to the bowling alley, and it seemed like no one was there. We got a lane and got our stuff. We got a pizza for the two of us to eat while we play.

"No offense but I'm so glad we left, this is more my scene." I say trying to put my bowling shoes on.
"No you're right this is so much more relaxing. I like this a lot actually. I'm glad we left." He said with a big smile plastered on his face.

Our pizza was going to take a while, so we decided to start our bowing. During one of my turns I went  and did pretty well if you ask me. Brady went next and got a strike.
"OH YEAH! Did you see that Ady? Ady did you see that???!"
"Yes I did Brady. Good job! Wow now I know why you like bowling, you're good at it."
"It all just comes naturally" he says while flexing his arms.
"Oh whatever. Big muscles over here. Ooh I see our pizza coming! Brady can you stop the game for us?"
"But I just got a good score.."
"How about this, we both have two rolls left. You can do all four and then you can come eat the pizza with me. Sound good?"
"Sounds great for me!!"

As he went, he kept getting strikes and spares. Each time he would yell my name and ask if I saw it. I did every time. It was really cute, oh and he would do this little dance each time. It was so cute, I just love him.

He finally got done bowling and came and sat down with me. We are a bunch of pizza and just talked about stupid stuff.

"Okay important question..." he says in an important tone. "Opinions on pineapple on pizza?"
"Okay, I actually do really like pineapple pizza. Everyone says it sucks but is actually is so good. I don't care, it is so good. There I said it. What about you?"
"I agree like a lot. It is actually so good. It's sweet and plain all mixed you know? It is actually good."
" thank you finally someone who agrees. Okay so if you agree with that then what is your opinion on...."

After that whole conversation we spent the rest of the night just talking, ordering junk food from the bowling alley, and just chilling. I like hanging out with our friends, but I do really like just hanging out with Brady one on one. He is my boyfriend anyways. So of course I would. But, it truly shows how much I just love being around him.

When we drove to our houses, I said I was cold. He gave me his jacket, and it was so warm. It was so comfy and smelt like him. It just felt like him.

As I walked back over to my house I heard him scream something.
"I better get my jacket back tomorrow when we study Wilder!"
"Of course I will Definetly be returning this. Definetly. Count on it noon!"
"I know I won't get it back but I would like to say I tried."
"That you did, that you did."
"I'll see you tomorrow though!"
"See you tomorrow. I'll be wearing my jacket fyi. Don't get jealous just cause I have it now."
"Oh whatever. I love you Adelynn Wilder!"
"I love you too Brady Noon!"

Gorgeous  (Brady Noon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang