Chapter Eighteen

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As I pulled into my driveway, I realized how much I hurt him. He looked so hurt. He did nothing wrong, I was just ignoring him because of my confused feelings. I needed a break from thinking about this, so going to Mia's was going to be great.

I packed my stuff up and drove straight to her house. As soon as I got out of the driveway, I saw Conner and Brady get out of his car. I have never driven so quickly.

As soon as I got to Mia's house, I told her everything. She was not surprised at all. She was upset that we were so close but it was ruined, but I told her not to get mad at Conner. I told her how I was confused on if we should stay friends or be more. She told me that she couldn't help me with that, that I will be the one to figure that out.

Mia had mentioned that Ryan invited her to a party going on tonight. Later on, josh texted me that it was at Brant's and that we should come. So we decided that we should make an appearance. I mean, I really hope to not see Brady or anything. I will try to avoid him.

Later on, as we were driving to the party, Mia told me about what she and Ryan had going on. She hadn't updated me for a while, but they were talking for quite a while and that he hasn't made a move at all. She said she was going to make a move tonight! Finally! They would be so cute together.

As we arrived at the party, I realized like most of our class were there. I really was missing out. Mia went to the party's quite a bit, but I never did. So far, there was no sight of Brady. Because I knew Mia was going to drink, I decided not to. I kind of just sat on one of the couches the whole time and watched. It was actually pretty entertaining.

I went to the kitchen to get myself some water when I ran into Josh. Josh was drinking, but he said it was only his first. He said that we needed to talk.

"So Brady told me what happened."
"Adelynn, I really think you should talk to him. I don't know if you like him. But he likes you. So I think you need to let him know what is going on. You know you really important to me and all but you need to do something."
" I don't know what I'm going to do. I want to be with him, but like what if something happens?"
"Then something will happen. But your worries shouldn't stop you from doing something you want."
"For much as I call you an idiot, you can be a smart person."
"Bye loser, go deal with your problems so I don't have to."
"Bye doofus. Is here anyway?"
"Last time I saw him, he was loathing in corner by the window."

I walked away and went to the bathroom. As I walked there, I ran into Carter. We talked a bit, but then we just walked away from eachother. I needed to make sure I was ready to talk to him. I gave myself a pep talk and walked out to find the window.

I got downstairs, and went to the room where the window was. I saw him. Deep breath. We made eye contact. Inhale. I walked over to him. Exhale. And....

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