Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Back to Ady's pov

I am sitting on the floor with my Chromebook open, scrolling through Pinterest, blasting music, all the while tears are running through my face. I am home alone, with all of the house being quiet. It has been about thirteen days since, well, everything. Why haven't I gotten over it. Why haven't I gone back to school. Like I said before, I can be very sensitive. I can also be stubborn. I'm just not ready I think. I'm almost ready I think. Am I ready?

I had to pause my music because I heard something. I heard the front door. I think it's just my dad or something. I unpause my music and continue to scroll. All of the sudden, my door swung open. I scream and see a big group of people walk into my room. "Surprise!!!" Ryan, Josh, Conner, Brant, and Mia scream as they barge into the room. Oh god. I was still upset with them. But what was I going to do?

"Ady, we need to talk to you" Josh says.
"We're all really sorry, and really need to talk to you." Conner says after.

"I'll go first. Ady, I am so sorry I didn't do anything. You are my cousin, a great one at that, and all throughout this drama, I have sat back and done nothing. I should have been there for you or something stupid like that. I acted like nothing happened. I'm an idiot for that." Josh explained. He gave me a hug. "It's okay Josh, you're fine. And I'm sorry for pushing you away and for treating you like I did. Also, I'm glad you can finally admit that you're an idiot." "Oh whatever, our little comedian over here thought my apology was funny."

"I guess I'll go next. Im sorry for doing the restaurant thing. You obviously would not want that, but we did it anyway, and I let it happen. I'm also sorry for not thinking about your feelings during this all." Brant said swiftly, but in a sweet manner. "You're alright Brant. And I'm sorry for ignoring you and sorry for putting you in an uncomfortable situation. Thank you for the apology, look at you, being nice." "Not for long, best bet, after you come back to school, I will be meaner. Build some character."

" Ady, I am so sorry. I have should have done more for you than I did for what I thought would be good for you. It was my idea for the restaurant, and I didn't even think about what you would think. I thought about how it could have turned out. It was all really unfair for you."
Ryan's apologized with a sympathetic voice. "You're alright Ryan, and I'm sorry for putting you through this."

"Where do I start? God, Ady, I am so sorry. That one day, I ruined your guys's almost kiss. I only considered my brother's feelings and what was best for him and not yours. That was truly unfair to you. You are a great friend to me and I have not been a good friend to you.  So I am so so sorry." "Conner you're alright. I am so sorry for putting you in an awkward position with your brother and I. It's truly unfair."

Mia walked more toward the front. I haven't spoken with her since our big argument, but she seemed very nervous as she walked over. She is never nervous.
"Ady I am so so sorry for putting you through all this alone and not being there. I have not been a good friend, I was trying so hard to convince you to speak to him, I didn't even think about you. That was so unfair for you. I miss you so much and you are my best friend and I took that for granted! Wow that was a lot at once." "Mia I accept your apology. I am so sorry for shutting you out, and putting you in a weird spot with my cousin and his friend. That was unfair." " Ady it is totally fine. You are fine. This is my last time talking to you about this. I promise. But please, at the least, just consider talking to him."

I really did think about talking to him quite a bit. I really did miss him. God I hate saying that. But all my friends say he has a good explanation. So maybe I should.

After our emotional apology session or whatever, we all hugged. As much as the boys hated it, I made them. I haven't been hugged for a bit, so it felt really good.

We all decided to go out for ice cream. When we got to the Ice cream shop, we all sat in a huge booth. The whole time we just chilled and talked. Brady wasn't brought up once, which was really good for me. It was really fun, but it just felt like something was missing. I knew what was missing, but he and I haven't spoken for a while.

When we were finally done, it was around 9pm. We hung out all afternoon! It was tons of fun. I was kind of getting over everything. I think I might talk to him soon, but not get together or anything. I can't do that to myself.

As everyone was dropping me off, Mia told me to just consider talking to him. Which, I might, I might not. We will just have to see...

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