Chapter Nineteen

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In Brady's pov

As our eyes met, I knew that I wanted to kiss her. I mean, I have been wanting to kiss her for the vast month and a half, but I knew I was going to this time. Our faces got closer and closer together, I was finally about to get to kiss her beautiful face. "BRADY!!!" Conner says screaming into my room. "Oh were you guys... oh my bad, I'm sorry, I'm going to..." Conner says this apologetically. Right before he was about to finish the sentence, he was cut off. "No you're  fine Conner, listen I have to go. I'll see you guys later."

And just like that, she was gone. I looked at Conner and just wanted to scream. But I didn't. "Way to go idiot" I say to him upset. "I'm sorry Brady, I didn't know."  "You're fine, just I was so close."  "Did you tell her how you felt?"  "No, but we were just about to kiss."  "Well maybe she just stormed out cause she was flustered or something. You should have told her how you felt then kissed her."  "Just get out of here alright."

He was right, I should have. Or I should have just asked. Consent is key. I'm so embarrassed now. I didn't want to bug her or make things awkward so I didn't text her. I will talk to her tomorrow at school or something. I hope this didn't ruin anything, I really like her. What if she left because she didn't like me? I can't overthink it.

Today at school, I kept seeing her. I wanted to talk to her, and almost did a few times. But it looked like she didn't want to. So I didn't. All the times I usually see her in the hall, she wasn't there. Every class we have together, she sat in different spot. Conner told me that he tried to talk to her, but she was on the phone and walked away. I just wanted to talk to her. It didn't even have to be about what happened yesterday, I just missed talking to her. I wished that none of that happened. I just miss her. I can't tell if she's embarrassed, mad, sad, confused, etc... I know I was confused. What would happen to us?

As I was leaving school I saw her, walking to her car??? I guess she got it back. I decided it was time to talk to her. I yelled her name and ran towards her. As I got closer, the faster she walked. She got into her car, and quickly drove away. I saw her face in the rear view mirror, it looked sad. I just want to talk.

Later that day, my phone was blowing up. Brant was having a party and everyone was going. I was really upset today and wasn't going to go, but my friends convinced me. I was hopeful of seeing adylenn there, but remembered she is not much of a partier. I hope to see her at the Halloween party tommorow though, dressed in her beautiful dress, looking beautiful herself. God I really needed to talk to her. But, I am going to this party to have fun, lots of fun.

I arrived at the party, but I really was just not feeling it. I'm usually the life of the party, but I just stood by a big bay window the whole time. Outside the window was a beautiful garden, like the one in The Princess Diaries. Ady would love it. God it's been one day without speaking and I miss her.

For most of the night, all my friends were trying to get me to party more and be more like who I usually am, but I just didn't feel like it. I stood at that bay window for the longest time. It was like 9 pm and I was already done. This never happens. I knew I would probably leave soon, when I saw someone walking in my direction...

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