Chapter Thirty-One

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I have decided. I have decided I should talk to him. I am ready. He is apparently ready. So I think we should talk. It has been exactly two weeks anyway, so it just needs to happen.

I usually like to have things planned. I am very much a planner. But this is something  I just decided real quick. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it though. At my house? At his house? Somewhere else? I'm not sure.

I decided I would call Mia about it. She said I should do it at the park. The park near our houses.But I wasn't sure how I was going to let him know. Should I just text him? Call him? Tell him face to face?

I decided to text him. I texted him to meet me at the park near our houses at 12 pm. That gave me time to get ready and emotionally prepare myself.

It was 11:55. I decided to drive over. I sat at a bench and sat silently waiting for him to arrive.
I was shaking. I was so nervous.

I said to meet me at 12pm, but it was 12:10. Did I mess up? Did I do something wrong? Was it a bad time?

It was about 12:20 when I really started to give up hope. I guess it was too late? He had been bothering me for so long, and when he finally could have, he didn't.

It was 12:30 when I started to leave. It was cold, foggy, and about to rain. I was the only one there. I was in tears walking back to my car. I was done. Why was I still waiting. I was finally ready to talk to him, but I guess he wasn't.

As I opened my car door, a car swerved into the parking lot of the park. It started raining even harder. It didn't even park. As I looked to see the car, I saw Brady running out of the car.

"Ady, Ady, where are you? I'm so sorry I'm late I didn't see the text till after practice! Ady I'm sorry can we please please talk."
"Brady? Brady! I'm over here!"
"Ady I am so sorry! I'm sorry for everything. All of it. I'm sorry for making out with that girl. The night before I saw you kissing Brian and thought we weren't anything. The kiss was an accident caused by that stupid game. Then Brian said you two were a thing and I was furious. I didn't mean to kiss her I swear. But I still shouldn't have! I'm sorry for just assuming. I'm sorry for bothering you this whole time. I didn't give you space. I am sorry for showing up late! I'm so so sorry!"
Brady said all while yelling in the rain. We were getting soaked.

"Brady I'm sorry! I shouldn't have ignored you! I'm sorry for pushing you away! I was just really hurt because I thought we were something and then I saw you kissing another girl! The kiss with Brian just thought was you! My eyes were covered! But I should have looked im sorry Brady! I'm sorry! I didn't know anything about it being an accident or you seeing the Brian thing! Everyone said just talk to you but I was too emotionally hurt! I'm so sorry Brady!" I said all by shouting.

"I was so hurt by the whole kissing the other guy thing! I just didn't think about my actions and shit. I'm so sorry. I messed it all up. I really do like you Adelynn Wilder! Nothings new, I do really like you. I like your smile, your laugh, your humor, your kindness, your empathy, your heart, your brain, your smarts, your compassion, your eyes, your confidence, the way you just know and understand things. I like you. I have liked you for the months I have known you. I tried so hard and when it finally happened I screwed it all up. I thought the letters I wrote would give a hint or something but.."

"Brady, you write those letters? You were the one writing me those this whole time?" I say as I start to cry even more than I already was.

"Yes, yeah yeah,all these months. It was me. I just lied because I was scared!"

"You liked me this whole time?"

"Yeah and I tried to write it out in those letters and I meant to tell you but I thought you already knew or would figure it out!"

"Brady why didn't you say anything?" I say as I slightly push him.

"I thought you knew, I thought you knew!"

"Well I didn't, and now all this shit happened and now I know. If I knew, I would have done more than I did. I wouldn't have pushed as much. I'd I knew things would be different. If I knew, If I knew, we would all be happier. But I didn't."

"Well now you know!"

"Now I know"

"Well what now?"

"I don't know Brady, I don't know."

"Did you like me?"

"Did I like you Brady, did I like you? Brady I was head over heels. All I wanted was to be with you! Brady you have the funniest and sweetest souls I've ever met! You are so thoughtful and caring. You always talk so that I can listen. You can listen when I  want to talk. You are always so extroverted and outgoing.You are respectful and passionate. You care. You are supportive and don't care about my imperfections. So did I like you? Yes, yes"

"Do you still like me? How do you feel Ady? Do you still?"

"Brady I don't know I just..."

"Do you still like me?!"

"Yes, yes I do Brady noon! Are you happy now. I still do. I maybe even love you, even though you have hurt me more than anything. And I don't know what to do about....."

As I was I was about to finish, he grabbed my face and kissed me. He kissed me with passion and like he meant it. He kissed me, and I kissed him with all the love in my heart. We kissed in the pouring rain after yelling so we could hear each other. We kissed and it was even more magical than the time before. We were kissing while getting poured on by rain. We were so soaked.

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