Chapter Fifteen

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Something I have not mentioned, but really should. For weeks now, I have been receiving these poems. These poems contain stuff about a guys admiration for me.

I don't know who it is, but I know who it is not. I know it is not Brady or any of Josh's friends. I think it might be a guy in my art class. We talk quite a bit. I'm not totally sure it is him, but k think it is.

I know it is not Brady because Brady's handwriting is different, it is not something Brady would write, and it's not any paper Brady owns, though they are all written on different paper. I just know it's not him. He has even told me so. I know it's not Josh's friends because all of them don't like me like that and all have other girls in their life, kind of.

But I truly think it's the guy from art, but I don't know if I like him that way. He's cool, he's fun, but I don't know him outside of art. I don't know what I am going to do. These are amazing letters, but I'm not looking for anything. Maybe he could be a new and better boyfriend for me. He is cute though. His name is Carter welsh. Quite nice and sweet.

I have a few of them anyway :

I have a few of them anyway :

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