Therefore, as soon as the instructor left and heard the sound of the door closing, knowing that the other party would not notice when he woke up, Youqin Yaoliang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, quickly got up and left the room.

By the time Lin Qi had fulfilled some indescribable physiological needs, dismantled the body and wiped out traces, he came out of the bathroom and went in to wash up. A long time had passed, and other people in the dormitory had already gotten up one after another to protect themselves. Bao also made a delicious breakfast.

After eating, everyone went to the square. At this point, it was already time to gather.

The school had already prepared the spaceship for the trip to Baia, which was staying above the square. There was a teacher standing at the door responsible for registering the number of people and arranging rooms.

Although there is only one spaceship, space superposition technology is extensively used inside, so the space inside is much larger than it looks from the outside. Even if there are many participants and accompanying persons, each person can be guaranteed to have a single room. There's even some left.

After all, we are going to compete, so we naturally need to rest well. Even if you are on a spaceship and the conditions are limited, you must create the best environment. After all, you will be in good condition only if you are well rested, and you will be in good condition if you are in good condition. Therefore, unlike when we entered school, this time the school has specially arranged single rooms for everyone. This is to avoid the situation where someone has a different schedule and living habits than his roommate, causing both of them to have a bad rest.

Lin Qi glanced at the room assigned by the teacher and frowned inconspicuously. Fortunately, he and the little guy came together. Although they were not adjacent to each other, the rooms were not far apart, with Wan Lebin sandwiched between them. So even if I feel a little dissatisfied, I can still accept it.

After knowing that he did not live next door to the little guy, Lin Qi, who had already made up his mind to completely neglect his room, relaxed his brows and made up his mind to sleep with the little guy later.

Anyway, it's quite close, so it's quite convenient to get there.

Youqin Raoliang was not aware of the instructor's plan at all. At this moment, he was following the robot to settle in his room.

Although it is on a spaceship, the room is not small at all. It is spacious and bright, and it even has a bathroom for washing.

The bed is also quite big.

Lin Qi, who was following the little guy, was very satisfied with this and visually judged that it was more than enough for two people to lie down on.

Just when he was about to make a request to 'live together', a radio rang at an inappropriate time, drowning out his voice. Lin Qi had no choice but to swallow the rest of his words. The timing was wrong, and it would be in vain if he said it now. The other party could not hear it at all. Who should he say it to?

Fortunately, the broadcast only reminded us of some precautions and stopped after telling us the time and place of the meal. The person who led the team to Baia this time was the principal, so naturally he was the one who spoke to remind the students. Lin Qi carefully remembered the other party's grudges, and took advantage of the fact that the broadcast had stopped and no one was quiet around him. Close the door naturally to prevent others from coming in to say hello and chatting and delaying your important business.

Without the interference of external factors such as broadcasting, this time Lin Qi's words were clearly heard by Qin Yaoliang. "For staying overnight, instructor, isn't your room next door?"

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