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☆ 19. Chapter 19 Official Statement

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Chapter 19 officially stated,

"Ayou is right. He was a loser a week ago. How could he suddenly transform into a purification superpower?" Upon seeing this, Shang Zhize hurriedly came out to rescue him, regardless of what he was thinking before. No matter what the plan, whether he wanted to hug her or something else, for the time being, she still had to hug Youqin Duyous thigh tightly. After all, he didn't want to sign a sponsorship contract with a nobleman and work for him for many years without any freedom after graduation. Then he could only rely on the piano family to meet the various large expenses during school.

"This is not a novel on Xingwang. You can have all kinds of adventures like the protagonist. Yao Liang has changed so much all of a sudden. It's normal for Ayou not to believe it. He also does it for the good of the school, for fear that someone will get through and corrupt Mu Yang. Because of his reputation, he made such a request in a hurry."

The facts were already in front of him. Shang Zhize was gentle and elegant, with a breathtaking smile on his face and began to clean up the mess, making excuses for his previous behavior and trying to clear up this storm. Then it subsided.

But it is a pity that as a pig teammate, Youqin Duyou, who was already dizzy with anger, did not feel Shang Zhize's good intentions at all. After thinking for a long time, he finally found an explanation for why the purification system abnormality appeared on the projection screen. Reasons to be able to awaken to the process.

Out of the absolute certainty that a loser cannot turn around and become a genius overnight, Youqin Duyou, who was slapped in the face by the facts and lost his mind, thought that he had found the reason. Without thinking much, he couldn't wait to speak out, trying to Appreciate the embarrassing appearance of a harp falling from the clouds around a beam and covered with dust.

"It was actually a mistake in my optical brain operation just now, and I accidentally posted someone else's test process. As everyone knows, it is rare to have a process of awakening purification powers. Ever since I got the video, it has been repeatedly stored in my optical brain. Observation, after all, the purification system is rare, and it would be good for me to watch it twice more to open my eyes."

After saying that, Youqin Duyou glanced at Youqin Laoliang with regret: "I didn't expect that I accidentally let it go just now. I came out, and this misunderstanding resulted. I really feel sorry for everyone, especially cousin Yao Liang, for making you happy in vain." "

But it's okay," Youqin Duyou pretended to stretch out his hand, wanting to pat Youqin Yaoliang. He put his shoulder on his shoulder to comfort and encourage him, but the other party dodged him sideways. He felt even more angry and couldn't hide the gloating in his tone: "The third-level spiritual master is pretty good, although it's not as good as the superpower. But no matter what, it's better than the complete loser you were before." "

But you can't be greedy. Why are you not satisfied, cousin? Why are you pretending to be a purification superpower? If this spreads, But we will end up being rejected by all the schools."

Everyone present looked at the sad second-year student on the high platform, and they were all dumbfounded. I wonder if this person has lost his IQ and is stupid and made such an excuse. Or does he think that everyone is an idiot and mentally retarded and thinks that some people will believe the reason he said?

Shang Zhize, who was standing next to Youqin Duyou, could no longer maintain the gentle smile on his face. It took him a lot of effort to think of those words. As long as he followed his words, the matter would be over. Maybe it would be forgotten in two years and would not even be mentioned. Someone mentioned it.

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