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☆ 28. Chapter 28 Reluctant to Let Go

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Chapter 28: Reluctant to give up.

From then on, Youqin Raoliang's training volume began to gradually increase, but it was all controlled by the instructor within the range he could bear. Even in extreme environment training, no matter whether the temperature becomes hot or cold, it is always maintained at a scale that allows him to get maximum exercise without being injured.

With such intensity of training, although Youqin Raoliang himself did not feel any discomfort other than being tired every day, as his training time and amount of exercise gradually increased, it finally evolved into three o'clock and one line every day, training ground in the dormitory cafeteria, except for washing and eating. Apart from sleeping and solving the needs of life, the rest of the time is spent in the training ground.

After witnessing everything, the roommates were not calm anymore.

Training is so intense every day, can he handle it? Someone's fainting not long ago is still vivid in my mind, and people can't help but be worried about him.

Furthermore, the instructor was so strict with him and the amount of training was increasing. Although everyone knew that this was for A Liang's benefit, what did A Liang think? Will he misunderstand the instructor's approach and feel that the instructor is deliberately making things difficult for him?

The more the roommates thought about it, the more uneasy they became. They were worried that the piano would be too much to bear, and they were also worried that the major would be misunderstood.

Finally one day, during a break in the military training, while drinking water, none of the roommates could hold back and pulled him aside.

Youqin was surrounded by her roommates, and after listening to their hesitant talk for a long time, she finally realized what was going on.

"...You are thinking too much. I know the instructor is doing it for my own good. If I don't exercise my physique, I will definitely be a hindrance in the future. I am too weak." "Don't look at

me soaking in the training ground all day long. In fact, The amount of training was not beyond my tolerance at all. Every time I felt that I was reaching my limit, the instructor immediately called me to stop. Besides, I would tell you when I couldnt stand it anymore, and I wouldnt be so stupid as to freeze myself like the first day. Dizzy."

"Really? Don't force yourself."

"Really, I promise."

The roommates breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Although they were still a little worried, they were finally not that worried. Seeing this, Youqin Lailiang, in order to completely reassure them, half-jokingly said: "When heaven is about to give a great responsibility to this people, it must first torture their minds, strain their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies. You see, I just strengthened it." Training has been a bit hard, but I usually dont treat my stomach badly at all. Its much easier than what I said here, so theres no need to worry.

The roommates thought the same thing. Although they didnt understand what that sentence meant, they He can still joke in a relaxed tone, which shows that although the hard work is hard, it is not to the limit. So they just repeated it one more time and said that they couldn't bear it. When the time came, they discussed with the instructor to appropriately lighten the training, and let You Qin Laoliang go.

In the distance, Lin Qi repeatedly recited the words of Youqin Laoliang: "When heaven is about to entrust a great responsibility to this person, he must first suffer his mind, strain his muscles and bones, and starve his body and skin." 'If you realize something.

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