Seeing this, Youqin Raoliang quickly asked them to drink fish soup. The fish soup that had eliminated the fishy smell was delicious and refreshing, and it perfectly washed away the greasiness caused by eating too much barbecue. Everyone's eating speed returned to the previous speed, and under the turmoil, there was not much food left in the end.

With Qin Raoliang as the chef, he acted as a hands-off shopkeeper after finishing the meal, stroking his stomach and going to take a shower. Aphra and others, who had no help, consciously cleaned up the mess and washed the dishes.

It was already dark now, the surroundings were dark, and the only light source was the simple lighting lamp in the middle of the camp. After a tiring day, everyone had eaten and drank enough, and had no intention of having a tea party in front of the light. They just wanted to get into the tent and have a good sleep comfortably.

However, before that, there was one thing that had to be done first. This thing was very important and could not be omitted, so no matter how sleepy they were, they did not dare to skip this step.

"For safety's sake, everyone will take turns to keep vigil at night, and I will go first." As the captain, Aphra took the lead.

"I'll go first. I haven't put in much effort today. Come and replace me later in the night."

Chen Xuan said this. Aphra looked at the other party in surprise when he heard this. The first person watching the night would undoubtedly It was the hardest one. After all, both physically and mentally, I was in a state of extreme exhaustion at the moment. I had to hold on without taking a break and brace myself to be vigilant about the surroundings. Not to mention it was very hard, but the difficulty was not ordinary.

Chen Xuan would be so considerate and offered to take on such a heavy burden. Aphra was surprised and secretly wondered if she had thought too much before. Maybe the other party was just not very good at talking and didn't mean any harm?

But before forming the team, I didnt see him having this problem.

No matter how entangled Aphra was in her heart, except for a flash of surprise on her face, she no longer showed any expression, and continued very naturally: "Then you stay guard for the first half of the night, and I will get up for you in the second half of the night. Two people a day , everyone takes turns."

No one had any objection to this. Since the vigil was arranged, everyone except Chen Xuan got into the tent immediately, regardless of the fact that it was not their bedtime at this time. They lay down on the quilt one after another, not recognizing the bed at all, and fell asleep on the pillow.

Time passed by little by little, and everything was calm. For safety and not to attract any light-loving mutant animals, the illuminator used to facilitate vision was deliberately dimmed. The light was slightly dim and reflected on Chen Xuan's face, making it difficult to see his expression clearly.

The night was already very late, and it would be time to change shifts in another hour. Chen Xuan stood up. If he didn't do something, today's arrangements would all be in vain.

When I met Dieffenbachia before, I deliberately fell down and wanted to create an opportunity to strike. Unexpectedly, not only did I fail to achieve my goal, but I almost fell into it. This time I must succeed. It was rare that they surveyed the surrounding environment and tampered with the situation when they were looking for prey. Now that they had the opportunity to keep watch in the first half of the night, they must not miss it again.

Chen Xuan thought of the generous reward that Youqin Duyou promised to give him when the project was completed, as well as his bright future, and started to take action with full motivation.

✓ My Taobao futureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant