Reunion was a dead end, and Youqin Duyou had such an attitude. Not only did he use himself as a punching bag, but he was not as generous as before, so Shang Zhize wanted to get rid of him and find another career.

Youqin Duyou's current situation is not worth his humiliating compromise. He is no longer worthy of him and cannot give him any better help.

Although he had this idea in his mind for a long time, Shang Zhize did not break up with Youqin Duyou before he found a new partner. Even if Phoenix is ​​in trouble, it is just a matter of raising a hand to crush a chicken to death.

No matter how unsatisfactory he is with Qin Duyou, there are still people from the Qin family. It cannot be easier to kill a commoner who betrayed him. Therefore, the new target must have a higher power and status than Youqin Duyou, so that the other party can be afraid and dare not act rashly, thereby keeping him.

Isn't the person in front of me just the right candidate?

Jin Qiao and Youqin Duyou are friends, even if they are just friends on the surface, they often move around. Following Youqin Duyou, he naturally had many opportunities to meet Jin Qiao. While talking and chatting, one of them had no intention of concealing and the other had the intention of spying. Jin Qiao's family background was already clear in Shang Zhize's eyes.

The status of the Jin family is better than that of the Youqin family. Although Jin Qiao is only a collateral line, she is as favored as her direct line. Not to mention, she is a purification system user. Regardless of her family background, her abilities are stable. The ground pressed down on Youqin Duyou's head. Moreover, she has been in constant contact with her, and I know her preferences well enough. Is there any better candidate than her?

Because of their family background and ability, Youqin Duyou was originally slightly weaker when the two got along. Although this weakness was not obvious, it existed and could not be ignored. Youqin Duyou was like this in the past, let alone now.

Forgive him that he wouldn't dare to do anything to him after he found out. Jin Qiao's anger was not something he, a Qin family member, could withstand.

Even so, Shang Zhize was still a little worried. It's not that he has an uneasy conscience, but that he had drugged Youqin Duyou before in order to better control him and take out more good things from him.

Neurotoxins bought at high prices on the black market are worth a drop of gold. In the beginning, most of the money I got from Youqin Duyou was used to buy this, except for daily expenses.

Neurotoxins can invade the human brain and nervous system without being noticed, making a smart and wise person gradually become simple-minded and impulsive.

A stupid and impulsive person is naturally easier to control than a smart person.

It's a pity that the first time I administered the drug, I couldn't control the amount, and I overdid it, making people so impulsive that even a good hand of cards would be ruined. Fortunately, I could start all over again. This time, be sure to control the portion.

However, Youqin Duyou is too impulsive now and can't think calmly. Will she disregard the Jin family's face and insist on targeting him?

Shang Zhize worried for a while and then put it behind him. No matter how hard he targets, the other party can't beat him, and as long as he doesn't leave the campus and stays within the school limits, he has nothing to do with him. Muyang's monitoring system and patrol system are not meant to look good.

Besides, Youqin Duyou just wants to deal with himself, and he must still have the energy when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhannan smiled slightly, straightened his clothes, and walked to the side chair gracefully.

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