This thing is so delicate. When mutating, it can knock away superpowers with a single leaf, but as a result, it becomes extremely weak after being beaten and purified and transformed into a seedling. If you accidentally get too cold, it will die in minutes if you don't get too much sun and too much water. Various plants also have different living habits and different environmental requirements. Some like shade and moisture, but occasionally need to be bathed in the sun. Some like sun and like dryness, but can't do without water. You must not delay watering when it's time. If you neglect it, it will wither in minutes and your efforts will be in vain.

The atavistic plants are so rare and precious. Even if you manage to purify one, it may not contain energy. Even if it contains energy, it may not be pure enough to be absorbed. It takes a lot of effort to purify it, but it ends up being cultivated to death. Its too bad. It can make you miserable.

How many people began to regret their mistakes, wishing they could travel to the end of the world, choke their ancestors and threaten them when they ran away with food, and stuffed two books into them, preferably about gardening!

However, not everyone is lucky enough to be able to travel through time like the protagonist, so everyone can only start to grimace and summarize the cultivation experience by raising precious atavistic seedlings one after another. Even so, there are so many Over the generations, we have not been able to summarize much. With so many countries in the entire galaxy, we have only found out about a hundred or so species. Many of them belong to the same family and are slightly overlapping. This shows that various species have been described in detail. Gardening books on plant cultivation are so valuable.

However, although gardening books are particularly valuable because of the special uses of plants, books on animal cultivation are not less expensive, even if they are slightly inferior, they are still expensive.

There are rich people everywhere, but rich people with status and status are not everywhere.

You say you are a traitor, who believes you? What evidence is there?

Except for those top families that everyone knows, if the emerging ones want to stand out, they must show their financial strength and power. However, what can show this better than owning precious and rare atavistic animals?

The fur of the atavistic animal is smooth and beautiful in appearance. The occasionally fried fur has a slight attack power. How cute! Even when he is hungry, he stretches out his claws to scratch you, pushes you with his horns, opens his mouth to bite you, looks at you with red eyes and acts softly and coquettishly, and is unable to resist, wishing he could rub you into his arms and smooth your fur.

Compared with the ferocious, terrifying, ugly or beautiful mutated animals outside, these atavistic animals are simply cute little creatures. Their watery eyes will make your heart melt when you look at them.

Not only can you show off your status by raising one, but it can also act cute to please you. Although you occasionally use too much force when acting coquettishly to attract the owner's attention, scratching a piece of protective clothing is not worth mentioning. It is your honor to let my little cute little one scratch it. I still have so many in my closet, little cute little one. Come and paddle again if you love it!

Based on this mentality, more and more people keep pets. Those who havent raised them want to raise them, and those who have raised them want to raise them again. Every day when I wake up, there are a bunch of cute little ones vying to surround me and begging for food, and occasionally they even act arrogantly and cutely. Life couldn't be happier and more complete!

But Mengmeng is not easy to raise. Some eat meat, some eat vegetarian, some are omnivorous, and some are fond of rotten food. They are delicate and weak, and have a small appetite. If you don't pay attention, you will get sick.

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