All I Need.

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Luke's POV:


My entire body stumbles back as Michael rushes through the door, his arms wrapping tightly around me in the biggest bear hug known to man.

"Well hello, Mikey."

"Dude, you wouldn't believe the traffic! Where's Maeve? I've got stories for days!" he exclaims, his voice a mix of excitement and stumble.

My face softens, a sigh escaping me as I gently disengages from the embrace. "She's... she's upstairs," I say, the tone heavy. "She needs some space right now. The news about her father really shook her up."

Nodding with a deep understanding, Michael's demeanor dims. "Ah, man, that's rough. She's strong, though. She'll pull through," he says, patting my shoulder before continuing his way into the house.

Calum and Kouvr were next, each carrying their own aura of anticipation. They gather around, sensing the shift in mood. A quick hug and hello being all that's needed.

Ashton, always the last to make an entrance, steps in with a furrowed brow. "Alright, Luke. Give it to me straight. What's the plan for dealing with Burke? We've got to have something solid."

Straight to business.

Such an Ashton move.

I close the door behind him, following in his steps as he makes his way to the kitchen, "Okay, here's the deal. After Maeve found out about her dad, I went to see Burke. I told him about Cody, and to my surprise, he seemed hurt."

"Burke, upset about Cody? That's like a wolf mourning a lamb while he swallows its flesh." Ashton scoffed, disbelief lacing his tongue.

"Yeah, well, even wolves can surprise you," I say, the memory of Burke's troubled expression lingering in the back of my mind. "Anyway, thanks, man. I can't thank you guys enough for coming back. Even if back is a bit of a mind trip."

Ashton clapped a hand on my shoulder, though he couldn't quiet the mask of concern in his eyes. "We've got your back, Luke. Brainwashed or not, you're one of us."

That's when Kouvr appeared, her presence a silent alarm. "I need to talk to her. I think I can help... if you let me."

I knew Maeve didn't want to see anyone. She had asked to be left alone, even when I tried my hardest to stay.

But, maybe a girl talk would be helpful.

With a silent agreement, I twitch my head up the stairs, where I knew she would be.

As Kouvr disappeared, the rest of us stayed in the silence of the kitchen, the reality of our situation settling in like a fog.

"So, what's the play?" Ashton's voice cut through the stillness.

"Yeah, all we know about this entire thing is you got brought here under zero will because your mind was hazy." Calum adds, opening the cabinets as he talks before pulling out a bag of chips.

"Well," I sigh, my hand reaching for the nape of my neck as I stare at the stairs, silently praying I'd see Maeve standing there and listening. When she's not, I continue, "We were brought here because I got drugged. I didn't remember anything from recent events. I just knew about the gang, and that was it."

"Didn't remember anything?" Michael asks, "what do you mean?"

"I didn't know who Maeve was."

I have never seen so many jaws open at once.

And I had quite the past in the back of rooms at specialty clubs.

"You forgot Maeve?" Ashton is the first to speak, "what the fuck did he do to you?"

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